Rsx idle adjustment Issue 1: Surging idle between about 950 and 1200. The base idle screw should be around 3/4 of a turn for that. 6. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! He did the adjustment. The idle smooths out as the miles are put on. 45volts Closed and 4. I don't know whats the problem, I even unplug my primary 02 sensor, which trigger the engine light for 02 but no change with the idle problem. Come join the discussion about performance, Just did this mod to the RSX and it worked great. (Once the engine is warm, the ECU advances ignition timing--which in the presence of extra air leads to a surge in rpm, so the ECU then cuts timing to reduce the rpm to the target idle, rinse repeat. Unplug the IAC, adjust your base idle screw if needed. There is an adjustment screw on the throttle body where the cable it. it will have low load, medium load, and high load. My back has been killing me so it was very hard for me to do the adjustment myself. I had missfire with 14. A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. I also have a 2006 Acura Rsx. For fans, drivers, passengers, and admirers of the Acura RSX. There is a slider in the software. Good luck finding ones To do it right, you should first warm up the motor, then pull the connector on the idle air control valve (will throw a CEL until you re-connect it). Some more hints: Valve clearance adjustment. Recommended valve adjustment interval is 105,000 miles. Isnt there a base idle adjustment screw on the throttle body? I have tried adjusting the idle cycle valve adjustment above and below the center mark but it does it regardless. Full Forum Listing. to change these values click on options>settings, then click on the lambda overlay button in the window that pops up. use a 4mm allen wrench (90 degree) to tighten the bolts snug. I had problems with my idle for like 2 weeks and as soon as I switched the gas station problems went away. Move it more to the right until idle rpm won’t drop. I It has always seemed to run rich and had an idle surge. We spent a couple of days doing it trying to ge the clearances right. The rotary valve spins fine. there is a check engine light it posts P0507 it idles high now Mechanic's Assistant: Are Alright, that's what I was worried about. However, After three more attempts, the car started and I just let it idle for a few minutes and warm up. It threw those 3 codes and my CEL is on. Only idles like this after I've gone WOT and raced A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. Your idle control valve needs adjustment in KPro. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, You need to set base idle first, get the engine to operating temp. That is, just dont tighten the cable so much taht your throttle plate is cracked open at idle I had about 15000 miles on my car and the throttle response was a little better after the adjustment. Thought I would post. It doesnt fluculate and holds 850 as a baseline. (2009 Forever) 2003 Acura RSX Type S NHBP. Again, I could be wrong. Almost completely dissapears once above 2k or so rpm. Hey I'm thinking of adjusting the throttle cable on my rsx base. My idle is currently at 900 but I will probably bump it to 1000 once the A/C gets hooked up. She'll idle between 1-2k and sometimes bounce up to 3k. ) Next we adjust the throttle bodies. For this reason, you should always tune part throttle if the short / long term fuel trims are adding more than a few percent fuel. I'll be finishing the turbo up tomorrow, so I'll be updating all of my threads then. Stalls on low speeds. thesilverbullet Posts: 131 Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 10:11 pm Location: SC. I have been getting this code on and off for quite some time. '02 RSX-S w/cai/exhaust/dcrh/kpro - SOLD. IDLE VALVE DUTY ADJUSTMENT: In KPRO on the parameters tab under IDLE, Alter the idle valve duty cycle adjust slider value. The car wasn't driving so great. So as it stands I'm assuming a spun bearing at the least. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps Please watch through this entire video even though it is long. Going to try a valve adjustment. And yet another thing to do is play with the Idle valve cycle duty in K-manager. Post by Symptoms can include an idle that is not smooth #5 · Jun 11, 2014. Were all way too tight. He did the adjustment because I was working on his car. I was hoping for some easy fix for it but oh well. It kept the MIL off for a week or so, and it seemed to make the idle smoother. But it really wasn't that dirty to begin with. Being a mechanic, I believed him. Car revving on its own? Tags car revving Whereas my current BuddyClub RSDs I have -2. 5whp, 180wtq NEW PROJECT: 1999 Mustang SVT Cobra - 4. 008 - . I have an 02 base 5sp, A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. Gallery New Member The idle speed for the RSX is typically lower, around 700-750 RPM when the engine is warmed up. not sure if the small fan in the IAC can make that loud of a noise, but you could unplug it to see if it goes away. I am using the In ECU option from KTuner for my 2005 Acura RSX Ba All Motor RSX. Now you can adjust the base idle, using only the idle adjustment screw set it to 750 or wherever you desire. Hopefully that, coupled with the clean valve, will take care of the idle issues. First thing i did was clean out my IAC valve. Save Share Reply Quote Like. When they go bad, your car stops running in 'closed loop' mode when in part throttle and at idle and will instead read from your tune without any adjustment (open loop mode). P1129: Manifold absolutle pressure (MAP) sensor circuit higher than exspected. If the rpm drops below the idle speed and then recovers, then Does anyone know how to adjust the idle RPM? Do you have K-Pro? If so, you can adjust the IACV in Kmanager. In any case, it is better to test the IACV while the engine has completely warmed up. Car runs perfect with no issues except for the idle numbers. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! This video shows the symptoms of what we had with a hunting/surging idle and then what we had after diagnosing and replacing a defective IACV. 1. I get the trany welded and get the motor mounts installed and it still continues to shake WTF!!!!!:firemad: My mechanic comes up with the conclusion That it might need a value adjustment or possibly a bad value what could it be ??? oh and that fucker charged me 740:firemad: Check valve adjustment, running them tight can cause a poor idle that will stall your car when you turn on the AC or put any sort of load on the motor at idle If the kid was running nitrous, check your plugs and see if they are colder than stock, or if they are maybe fouled 4. I then took it down the road to test it and make sure I could drive. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! Now we are ready to remove the actual idle air control valve and clean it. Being that you were working with the idle control, and I'd take a hard look at that. Also, if you have any air in your coolant system, the IACV will Cleaning is finished, just haven't gotten around to taking any pics. 010 - . install the new tps sensor and put it in the middle of its adjustment range. Part of the problem has been that I think Clean your IACV, replace your IDLE AIR ASSIST VALVE, and check for vacuum leaks from the air filter to the intake manifold. I know temp is looking a little hot but it was 110 in my city and I just was sitting in traffic when I noticed the idle issue start. I cleaned the entire thing spotless. Check for boost leaks in the intercooler piping, wastegate, or blow-off valve. with the tps sensor plug connected and the key in the on position engine off, use a multi meter to check the voltage on the red and black wire on the tps connector. If necessary, adjust idle to 1600 rpm. ecu tuning rsx Then he also adjusted my idle because it was to low. Gears still feel great but I wonder if there’s lost power there. Hey guys just trying to get advice. I set my idle around 800 because the engine is tired. To clarify it's the 90* elbow between the 1st and 2nd port on the Intake Manifold right? I recently did a valve adjustment on my 04 type s with a friend of mine. Hi, I've been struggling with idle issues for awhile now and have run out of ideas. One thing I have to ask before taking action. Hi everybody. IDLE VALVE DUTY ADJUSTMENT: In KPRO on the parameters tab under IDLE, Alter the idle valve duty cycle and adjust the slider value. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join I have seen plenty of other cars besides rsx's that have tps readings at 0 percent. The idle speed is automatically controlled by the ECU, with no manual adjustment like on older carbureted engines. Tps set at . <-- That is the classic symptom of a vacuum leak. Ok, here is the problem, I have 2005 Rsx S. Radio transmitters may be single-button, two-button, three-button, Hi all - I have a K20a swap in my 02 rsx. Come From Arkansas. (Sorry just had to vent) Bo's Bash X The LAST ONE! My idle did not change whatsoever by tightening my throttle cable and I had it adjusted where the holder nut couldn't be turned anymore. side to side is PERFECT (thanks to that spring on the shifter assembly and a bit of tightening on the spring to make sure it has no play :thumbsup: ) but front to back is sloppy First things first -- they do go bad. I changed the plugs to new NGK plugs and also did valve adjustment twice but still no luck. the columns to the left are low, the central columns are When on, The idle holds steady at aprox, 800rpm. 00. I also retarded the ignition timing cells used for idle to 15 degrees and that seemed to help too, just search for the threads. i changed the Idle air control valve to a new one and after that. Tags A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. My RSX just threw 3 codes. He told me everything was in spec. 2k warm and 900ish to 950ish in D) Now, after the valve adjustment the sound of my motor is music to my ears. CTR Cell blinking. So, to be honest, I joined just to get a service manual. It jumps from 1500 down to 500 and then the car dies. 8volts fully opened in the Kpro closed . Noticed my 06 rsx idling very weirdly almost as if it want to stall but never does. Plug your IAC back in, and the idle should go up. Make sure all your screws/bolts I have a stock '02 RSX-S with 92K miles (original owner). TLDR: my engine rpm sits high: around 1400 rpm when idle or closer to 2000 rpm when coasting/neutral after being pushed recently got a valve adjustment/valve timing adjustment at dealership; new spark plugs A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. P2279: Intake air system leak. there isnt Also can you explain what the difference is between the 2 calibration buttons, one says calibrate 0% and the other says above 0. No big deal but I do feel a good amount of movement and in a perfect world it would feel really solid. Turn it off, disconnect the iacv. Found the ERG and cleaned it, still low idle and seemed to have gotten worse. Rough Idle and Wont Stay On. 2nd Gen TL (1998-2003) 3rd Gen TL (2004-2008) All other Car discussions. Problems & Solutions RSX. Very common issue on RSXs. 8 the car will idle when i start it then when i go to drive it when i come to a light the idle hangs at 1500 to 2000 it will come down to about 1200 with the AC on some times i can blip the throttle and the idle will come down but then it climbs back up Idle will drop below 1k but as long as it's above 750, it shouldn't cut out on you. After we started it up and heard noises, we let her cool and he checked specs again. Finally it now won't run well enough to drive. The overall video ended up being pieced together because of the fighting through to find our r 05 Base rsx auto. The RSX operator features a built-in radio receiver system that can store up to 250 transmitters, giving the customer the ability to identify which transmitters have been operating the door. -Idle at 1800-2000 RPM (Normal cold engine idle)-Idle increases to almost 3000 RPM then slowly drops back down to 2000 RPM A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. With out the assist, it will idle poorly, but it may be quiet, and then you may know at least whats making the noise. The idle is usually fine when moving straight though. I searched for vacuum leaks, but didn't find any. So I'm have a bit of an idle surge problem. Make sure car's in Park or Neutral and no electrical items are left in on position (AC,lights,audio,defogger,etc. Let the car warm up to 50C oil temp. Anybody get a firm conclusion yet? Save Share Reply A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. Until it does, the Fast Idle Thermo Valve does the work. What to Check: Recheck the idle adjustment and ensure that it’s not compensating for another underlying issue. 39000 miles sound: hissing and high pitched ticking noise rpm: randomly around 4000, always from 5300 up on and off throttle but the exhaust noise drones it out about 7000 so not sure if it keeps going. Come join the Omni-power, Blox, and Ktuned all sell TPS sensors for the RSX. • Reset the ECM. How can we make I have an 2006 RSX-S and for the past few weeks it seems to be idling around 3 or higher when I am in nuetral. valve lash specsIntake . I am running a base map for a tsx through hondata. Before, the idle would never be so high like it is now (2k at cold, 1. Now adjust your idle screw so that the TPS reads 4. Clean the idle air control valve (IACV) on the throttle body. Explore Our Forums. ). This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread 32 votes, 33 comments. 010 inchesExhaust . I have a choice: 1)Buy a hard copy: ~$100; 2)Buy just a quick fix for a idle surge or high/low idle problem on the early honda acura cars. Part of the problem has been that I think there's been multiple different issues masking each other. Ken Port Angeles, WA :thumbsup: Idle target AFR adjustment and fuel compensation by gear? Post by soxfan143 » Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:16 am. Engine idle speed is monitored by the PCM Hello, at idle when monitoring my tps in Ktuner it shows 5% and at full throttle it shows 83%. I finally decided to replace the primary o2 sensor a couple weeks ago. go into KPRO arameters-idle slide the bar for "idle valve duty cycle adjustment to the right a bit. Kpro Idle Help Please! Tags idle kpro. I want to rebuild the motor but need help and suggestions. I was looking for the PCV valve for awhile because Advanced Auto Parts gave me the wrong PCV valve. high idle I am having the same problem. ) I got in and started playing with the idle adjustment screw today and it seems like regardless of which maintenance, and more! Open to all models including the Integra, RSX, RDX, and MDX Show Less . Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! Edit: 2/19/2012: Problem Fixed. 011 inches The idle learn procedure must be done so the ECM can learn the engine idle characteristics. Just bought a 2012 Gator 850i RSX because I could not pass up the price. Only cost me $78. 0. Ticks rather roudly at idle, quietens a bit when warm. Again, this may be difficult, depending on the last time this maintenance was executed. Mechanic's Assistant: Is the check engine light on? Does the Acura stall at idle or when driving? Customer: not anymore but a new problem arose. ) 2. 12K subscribers in the Acura_RSX community. Adjustment and Control: I did search for idle adjustment, I didn't find it, I've been on the site long enough to have seen many questions asked 1000 times, doesn't mean I have to post in it being a smart ass. 5 a few months back and I never liked how the CC clutch would engage so much sooner off the floor than the stocker did. Do I need to calibrate this to 0% at idle with the software ? Also can you explain For fans, drivers, passengers, and admirers of the Acura RSX. Peer into your tb and you can see how My idle instead of being 1500 would be hovering around 2000 and bouncing up and down. THEN set the idle where you The idle air control motor or idle speed control motor is designed to adjust the air flow into the intake manifold at engine idle. (the holes are slotted and allow for adjustment). Do the idle learn procedure whenever you do any of these actions: • Disconnect the battery • Replace the ECM or disconnect its connector. P0507: Idle control system RPM higher than exspected. 7:1 for idle, but with 12. However after doing this adjustment to the idle, I hear a "kritch" noise whenever I turn the steering wheel. Cable deflection (A) should be 10−12 mm (3/8−1/2 in. Part 25 of the the Hondata Kpro training course walks you through how to tune idle and partial throttle fuel, ignition, and cam angle tables. it sounds like to me that u need valve adjustment, but i haven't heard anything when i get someone to cover up the tailpipe at idle (and now that it's cold i haven't seen anything either). Start the car; it should be idling at or near 1600. Jump to Latest 06 rsx type s. I try starting it again but the car would just hesitate, hesitate then dies agian. The Omni-power and Blox units are repackaged Keihin sensors, which is Honda's in general will have a surging idle like that (1k then up to 2k+ and back down again, and again) when a vacuum line isn't hooked up correctly or is lose. you can change these values so the fuel adjustment screen will be accurate to your desired a/f. Shut off the car. Have no clue what it could be and was looking for some pointer to where to solve the issue. NOTE: Erasing DTCs with the Honda PGM Tester does not require you to do the idle air learn My question should have been more detailed. So before, I had a TPS issue and tried replacing just the tps on the old TB but it would always have problems with falling out of adjustment. Tuning for power is a whole other ballpark! Dealing with an EK K24A2 swap 6spd rsx type s trans. Worth it very much if you have modified internals. this weekend I took off my throttle body and IACV and cleaned it really good, so I put it all back together and now I have high idle, when I first start the car, the rpm is at 2k, when it fully warms up it drops down to about 800-900rpm, when I drive it, the gas pedal feels a little tight, and when I shift in nuatral and 06 Rsx Type S Idle Issues . if idle revs hang or oscillate, Customer: 2006 acura rsx type s. So idle fluctuation is non existant after kpro install(was running stock ecu with full bolt ons). Come join the discussion about performance, modifications I've been having problems with my idle. 6deg of camber and I still have toe adjustment available. 2 opened 99. BUT it has an idle problem. Subscribe to on ECU Tuning RSX. I even stalled a few times while moving because the idle went so low. Thanks for your suggestions. Whats your oil pressure at idle, and every consecutive 1000 rpm, as long as you get like 5-10 at idle, and get up to like 60-70 at higher RPM you should be fine 2013 FR-S - Vortech Supercharged No vtaks In this video I will walk you through how to adjust your idle using KTuner Tuning software. Installed a CC1. I have a ticking noise when my car is at idle, and from what i read, it seems i gotta do a valve adjustment. and when i shift hard. Check your local junkyard, eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook groups for part outs. Valves were out of adjustment. First Valve Adjustment At 93,000 miles--and the shop tells me that I had minimal adjustment! Didn't feel any difference in the vehicle performance. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 bran_donger '95 NSX-T, '03 RSX Type S, '05 S2000 Additional comment actions. Top. Problem is my local shop is maybe 20 miles away or a 30 min drive so idk how safe it So I'm not sure if this matters but I have a supercharger in my rsx but the problem is my idle goes down when I turn all the way to the right or left. 5:1 I don't have missfire . Rev the engine to about 3000 rpm and release the throttle quickly. After I realized it was at 2%, I loosened the throttle cable This is how Hondata said to do a minor adjustment(1%-5% Your idle should be a little higher than you remember, and your IAC is going to obey you now. (For both cars I did not need to make an idle adjustment. i have a CAI DC race header and Borla CatBack I got my K-PRO on the weekend and uploaded the ITRCams+CAI+JRHDR calibration. 6L DOHC V8 - 320hp, 317tq If you had a vacuum leak, the idle would surge up and down once the engine warmed up. Made the adjustment and now the engagement point is perfect-- still slightly on the early side compared to the stocker but I love it Sometimes your idle speed can be wonky because of accumulated dirt (usually because of aftermarket intake air filters), the valve is actually mechanical, SOLD: 2002 ABP Acura RSX Type-S - 244. This lower idle is designed for fuel efficiency and smooth operation, characteristics of modern engines. Lambda overlay and fuel adjustment is a breeze in KPro is a big help. It seems like a deep "scratch" kind of noise, A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. performance basics rsx. At about 4K rpm's, the tach and speedometer both would jump up and down and the check engine light would flicker on and off all at the same time. My iacv is installed and clean but I can't seem to get the idle adjustment in Ktuner to do anything. It dropes at a normal rate as it warms up, to 850. Reset Clean the idle air control valve (IACV) on the throttle body. Here's the problem though: After letting it sit over night, on the first crank, the car would start up but the idle would drop to about 500 rpms and then hesititatesthen dies. I have read several articles on this site and others regarding A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. . valve adjustment at my mechanic is about 200 bucks. Here is what target lambda looks like. Just a thought. 4. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! Misfire or Fuel Delivery Issue: It’s possible that inconsistent fueling or a misfire could cause erratic idle behavior. The idle air control valve is the piece located at the bottom of the throttle body: To remove the idle air control valve from the throttle body, unscrew two 5×25 screw+washer set. Otherwise, there is a set screw underneath the throttle linkage Let idle for 5 min. I bumped up the idle in K-Pro to 1000 and lowered the idle adjustment slider by 2 notches. If deflection (A) is not within spec (10−12 mm, 3/8−1/2 in. My RSX has 240,000 mi and never got a valve adjustment. Good luck finding ones that don't need to be refinished or repainted anyway though. 5%. If the rpm drops below the idle speed and then recovers, then move the slider to the right. Now it ticks even in idle so I just want to have a shop to get it done. I advise tuning for your low cam fuel in a idle/cruising situation if you can. Check the throttle body blade and make sure its fully closed, loosen the cable if necessary. easy diy fix I cleaned my IACV twice but still have not luck. Cold idle at 40 deg outside is 1800 rpms and drops to 850 when fully warmed up. Bought my car with 135k on it, valves hadn't been adjusted, though seemed to A forum community dedicated to Acura RSX, ILX and Honda EP3 owners and enthusiasts. The car idles around 1000rpm regardless if what I put in the idle speed target. My bouncing idle has been fixed previously. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! Show Less . front camber adjustment trick. Come join the discussion adjustment idle Jump to Latest 1K views 4 replies 4 participants last post by K20A2 Sep 11, 2008 Throttle Cable Adjustment K20A2/K20Z1 engines Check cable free play at the throttle linkage. ) loosen the locknut (B), turn the adjusting nut (C) until the deflection is as specified, then retighten the locknut. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, K24 swaps, turbo kits, and more! 4. Jump to Latest Follow 3K views 6 5. The car runs awesome Reduce idle speed slightly (850 - 950 rpm usually works). 5. Thank you. Reconnect the iacv and enjoy. 7. Tags idle rough stay. ymaxvbuemewpusckffmfsydlynzmjdoetuvooefdbjwshmlzxcoeodcanjbkubvmtbvajaw