Loot table wow. Ratings for your KSM, KSH, and KSL.
Loot table wow Expanding All Loot tables, Ultimate Edition. Every time you complete a Delve, you’ll reach the Treasure room with loot tailored specifically to your class stashed away in Heavy Trunks. Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Delves loot table: All rewards. ; Loot and rewards: Check out the full loot table, categorized by armor type and weapons, to find the best gear upgrades for your class and spec. Express start in 1 hour, In the table below, you will find the item level of loot received at the end of the run and in the Great Vault the following week. Last edited by The loot tables for the raids can vary based on the difficulty. This guide is meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the different raids in WoW, loot lockouts, raid skips, loot rules, transmog rules, and how to access LFR raids from previous expansions. This week's 11. Just like in the original Blackrock Depths loot table, there are This page is meant to serve as an accompaniment to our guides to the Sunken Temple raid and its many bosses, allowing you to see the loot tables of the entire raid in one convenient location. While there is plenty of other loot to get your hands on, including trash loot, trinkets, other BiS gear, and more, here is a detailed look at the Tier 2 loot table within Blackwing Lair: Don’t forget to check the loot table and FAQ to find out how to get rare Wick’s Lead mount. Tier Set Gear does not drop from bosses directly in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, instead, there are class-specific armor tokens that drop, similar to Demon Fall Canyon is a new dungeon introduced in World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery Phase 4. by Staff. Patch 11. Zul'Gurub is a 20-man raid located in the northeastern portion of . Welcome to Wowhead's Titan Rune Dungeon Loot Guide! This guide will cover every Heroic Dungeon bosses new Loot Tables, All loot is organized by boss so you can quickly locate which items you want to go after. Things could change before release If you don’t see an item on this list it probably doesn’t drop in the twilight protocol dungeons. Below is a table covering all of the exact item levels based from Bountiful Delves. Since Baradin Hold is only available in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is a 20-man raid located in the southernmost part of Silithus. Bosses inside Protocol Inferno Dungeons will drop their regular loot tables in addition to s. Sign In to Post a Comment . Unlike its original version, the Season of Discovery version of Lord Kazzak is scaled for 20 players, but will allow up to 40 players to zone in for an easier fight. In this guide, we detail all gear loot that drops in the revamped version of Blackrock Depths. If you would like to learn more about this raid and how to overcome its challenges, please see our overview below. If you are in search of a specific drop, be sure to select the correct difficulty before you enter the raid. The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Overview Guide The War Within Season 2 Great Vault item level gear. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Unlike Classic Era, drops valuable epic loot for your raid in Season of Discovery - including Tier 2 belt tokens and a mini-Thunderfury for casters, . This dungeon is inside the bellows of Blackrock Mountain. Karazhan Loot; Gruul’s Lair Loot; Magtheridon’s Lair Loot; Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC) Loot; Tempest Keep (The Eye) Loot; Black Temple (BT) Loot; Mount Hyjal Loot; Zul’Aman Loot; Outland World Bosses Menu Toggle. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu This guide covers all of the loot available from the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Firelands raid, listed by boss for both Normal and Heroic and 10- and 25-player modes. 4. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within Repaire de l'Aile noire. The Gobfather World Boss in Patch 11. This means that groups can decide to go with more While Princess Theradras has a large loot table, some of her most notable loot includes Blade of Eternal Darkness, Princess Theradras' Scepter and Elemental Rockridge Leggings. ; Welcome to Wowhead's Zul'Gurub loot guide. 1 Release Candidate build adds the full loot table! Home > WoW > News > The Gobfather World Boss in Patch 11. "While we do not have full loot Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Comment by 81244 For a high lvl char and enchanter i like coming back here because i can easily run to the dwarves and up to ironaya quickly. While we are gradually adding data to the site via the Wowhead Client, we received feedback that players would like to see loot from all This loot overview details all items and gear dropped in the WoW Season of Discovery Raid, Zul'Gurub, including Tier Sets, armor and trinkets. Comment by Bethia The mythic+ class guides are for Dragonflight, not Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Blackrock Caverns - Weapon Kiril, Fury of Beasts Off Piece Will of the Unbinding Grim Batol - Weapon In Classic WoW, the majority of the Tier 2 armor pieces can be obtained from bosses within Blackwing Lair, excluding the leg and head slots, which drop from Ragnaros and Onyxia respectively. Expanding All Loottables, Ultimate Edition. The Current loot table for the end boss of each twilight protocol dungeon. The instance portal is situated just north of Pyrewood Village. To create it, you must loot various materials from inside the Raid, which contribute towards the quest objectives. This guide covers what it is, where it is, how to get there, who you will fight, what you can get, and Welcome to Wowhead's guide to Hallow's End in Cataclysm Classic! In addition to giving orphans a great Hallow's End, the Wickerman festival, and earning treats, you'll be able to battle the Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monastery for a chance to win iLvl 365 items or The Horseman's Reins!You will also be able to gain Grim Visage, a buff that gives you a 10% While Maraudon doesn't have a large loot table, it's most notable loot is Cloud Stone, Helm of the Mountain, Fist of Stone and Rockgrip Gauntlets. Spirestone Butcher (Rare) Loot - Cloak; Rivenspike - 1H Axe; Spirestone Battle Lord (Rare) Loot - Mail Feet; The Blackrock Slicer - 2H Axe Each individual dragon has their own mechanics and loot table, with a handful of shared drops and abilities. The War Within Keystone Explorer: Mythic+ Season 1 Item Level Loot Table Below is a table making note of all of the dungeon item level drops based on their difficulty. you will find that some items have several bosses listed as their source in the tables below. Suggestions. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. Darkflame Cleft (DC) is a dungeon in The War Within, bringing players face-to-face with some of the most notorious minor villains in WoW—Kobolds. Slot: Item: Boss: This guide covers all of the loot available from the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold raid, listed by boss for both Normal and Heroic and 10- and 25-player modes. Called Operation: Floodgate, this dungeon Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. By Rokman Updated: 2023/07/06 . Comment by 4130 Shifting Sands Quest Chain Blackwing Lair Loot Guide Classic WoW World Buff and Consumables Guide None of the bonus loot acquired from the new difficulty is specific to it, with the newly added difficulty only being a way to improve the number of looted items per run. 1. Molten Core Attunement; Molten Core Loot; Onyxia’s Lair; Blackwing Lair (BWL) Zul’Gurub (ZG) Raid; Ruins of Ahn Upper Blackrock Spire Loot Much of the loot in UBRS has been updated for Phase 4 of Season of Discovery - but not all of it. Patch 1. With Lootie, simply CTRL-LEFT CLICK on any mob to instantly view a detailed loot table, showcasing all possible items the mob can drop. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu With the introduction of the Bosses, we decided to create this Boss Loot Table Cheat Sheet. Live PTR. 1: Full Loot Table. Now, in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery, the raid has received a bit of a revamp, with updated loot and mechanics, in addition to now being a 20 player instance. Molten Core is home to 10 bosses, ending with, Ragnaros, the Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Check the loot table and FAQ to discover how to get the Bop pet. If you need help or have questions, please reach out on Discord. This guide covers all of the loot and rewards available in The War Within Season 1 Mythic+ including armor, item levels, mount drops, unique items, and more! Mythic+ Season 2 Item Level Loot Table Below is a table noting item level and crest reward drops based on the Keystone Level completed. It also provides accurate drop rates for each item, helping you make informed decisions during your adventures. To find out more about The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in Season of Discovery, please click on the link below. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu This week's 11. If you Being the final raid in WoW Classic, Naxxramas loot consists of some of the highest level items in the game, with notable loot such as: Corrupted Ashbringer, The Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad, Splinter of Atiesh, Tier 3 Sets, and Shoulder enchants from Sapphiron (Might of the Scourge, Fortitude of the Scourge, Power of the Scourge, and Resilience of the Scourge). Whether you’re hunting for BiS gear, chasing rare drops, or completing your Season 2 tier set, Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Live PTR 11. Keystone Level: End of Dungeon: Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! Comments. Tier 2. We will continue to update the below loot tables if more updated items are discovered. Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within Covil Asa Negra. Much of the loot from ZG has niche itemization which is great for off-meta Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! Show 8 Comments Hide 8 Comments. Get ilvl 639-662 gear, desired achievements, all loot and resources from the run. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within 검은날개 둥지. Keystone Level: End of Dungeon: Initial Upgrade Level: Great Vault: Initial Upgrade Level: 2: 496: Champion 2/8: 509: Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features Well, there is a math mistake here If, new +2 = old +11, then new +5 = old +14 and new +10 = old +19 below Most pieces of loot from Ruins of AQ have received significant itemization updates in Season of Discovery. Shaman tier 2 has been added to the alliance loot table as well as paladin tier 2 to the horde's on Onyxia. While this dungeon is easily accessible by Horde players, the Alliance will As one of World of Warcraft's first-ever raids, Molten Core has a special place in many players' hearts. If you do not use a Restored Coffer key in a Bountiful Delve, loot is capped at Tier 3, which Discover the updated item levels for Mythic+ loot and Great Vault rewards in World of Warcraft: The War Within Season 2. If You and I must be looking at something different. The ring, however, requires a different assortment of materials for the quest. These s have a chance to contain random level 60 materials, including the armor scraps that are needed for Tier This guide covers all of the loot available in the Liberation of Undermine Raid in World of Warcraft: The War Within, including armor, tier sets, unique items, and more! Dubious Table-Runners: One-Armed Bandit: Liberation of Undermine Plate Drops Note: Tier Gear is not included in this list. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Shadowfang Keep is a level 22-30 dungeon located in the Horde leveling zone of Silverpine Forest. Control, dodge, and conquer for loot 💰 and achievements 🏅! Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is a 40-man raid located in the southernmost part of Silithus. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. . With AQ40 comes a new Tier 2. 5 armor and Timeworn armor. The Players can loot s from all trash enemies inside of the dungeon, which can be returned to in exchange for a . Throne of the Four Winds Normal Throne of the Four Winds Heroic Blackwing Descent Normal Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. WoW News. Vortex Pinnacle drops ilvl 316 loot on Normal Difficulty and ilvl 346 loot on Heroic Difficulty. While there is plenty of other loot to get your hands on, including trash loot, trinkets, other BiS gear, and more, here is a detailed look at the Tier 2 loot table within Blackwing Lair: Ahune Loot Upon killing Ahune, for the first time each day, you are rewarded Satchel of Chilled Goods which contains Justice Points, Burning Blossom and may contain Frostscythe of Lord Ahune, or Ice Chip Ahune's full Seasonal rewards include a title, mount, dungeon teleports, and an item that unlocks additional visual effects for Awakened Class Sets. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Toggle. 6 This Not all Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Tier pieces drop directly from bosses within the Raid; they must instead be created through reagents. The Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within Guarida Alanegra. Tier 2 Tokens. Learn about the dungeon location, map, bosses, loot, and achievements. Guide Contents All loot is organized by source so you can quickly locate which items you want to target. SoD introduces Timeworn armor pieces, which grants stackable buffs as you equip more Timeworn pieces. (Source: Wowhead) Cinderbrew Meadery map and boss location. While there is plenty of other loot to get your hands on, including trash loot, trinkets, other BiS gear, and more, here is a detailed look at the Tier 2 loot table within Blackwing Lair: Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. 5 armor set, new class relics, new Enchanting recipes, reputation rewards with Brood of Nozdormu, Qiraji Battle Comment by 11451 great loot in here :) my group only did to the coldbringer, via glutton, and we got the blue shoulders from glutton, the blue sheild from Ragglesnout, and the blue mail chest and the dagger from the final boss, This guide will display loot tables for bosses inside the new Heroic Dungeon difficulty known as Titan Rune Dungeons. For example, Emeriss has a focus on spores and diseases, while Taerar focuses on arcane spells. You can find an in depth guide for Maraudon and the Landslide encounter here. Your guild won't look back. 1 Release Candidate build adds the full loot table! Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. 1. ; 4 Algari We've datamined updated loot coming from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in Season of Discovery Phase 6! Here is a look at the itemization changes between Classic Era and Season of Discovery. You Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Patch 4. See above for Tier Gear by Class. 5 sets The original 2. This data is based off of user uploaded data with the Wowhead Client. Lootie continuously Blackrock Depths is a special raid that has been revamped for the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event. Doomwalker; Phase 3 is Now Live for WoW Classic Anniversary Edition: Blackwing Lair & Darkmoon Faire; The War Within Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Onyxia's Lair Attunement - WoW Classic Bound on Account Attunement After you have earned Drakefire Amulet on one character, Much of the loot from Onyxia has been updated for Phase 4 of Season of Discovery. While there is plenty of other loot to get your hands on, including trash loot, trinkets, other BiS gear, and more, here is a detailed look at the Tier 2 loot table within Blackwing Lair: We've now added Dungeon Loot tables to NPCs on Classic Wowhead. Pyroguard Emberseeer Loot. dungeon in Cataclysm Classic, including Rare and Epic-quality items that drop in both Normal and Heroic difficulty. For all of our Dungeon Guides, please see the World of Warcraft Loot Tables Try signing in! TMB completely changes loot distribution, communication, and transparency. 1 adds a new world boss named the Gobfather to Undermine. They all drop gear level 35-40 ish and this when disenchanted turn into the very valuable Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. The fights are Welcome to Wowhead's Molten Core loot guide in WoW Classic . 2 While Normal 10-player & Normal 25-player drop the same item level loot, more items drop per boss in 25-player mode. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu If you do not select any loot from the Great Vault, you will instead the Algari Token of Merit currency, based on the number of slots you have unlocked for that week: 2 Algari Token of Merit for 1 Great Vault slot. Skip to content. 0. 5 sets in WoW Classic were class-bound, available in only one variant per class. Pretty Loot Tables Cataclyms Raids. For example, the weapon. Tier 3 sets, like every other set in SoD, have been overhauled The Liberation of Undermine raid in The War Within is packed with high-stakes encounters, unique loot, and powerful rewards. Tier Tokens can drop Naxxramas is the final raid of Vanilla World of Warcraft, and it makes its return in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery with some new and revamped loot to collect. Turtle WoW. Cinderbrew Meadery includes 4 bosses and a Season 2 of World of Warcraft: The War Within presents new content for players to enjoy. They have made some items significantly more appealing to Paladin/Shaman tanks, dou med the stats on some items, and revamped only healing items to add spell damage Lord Kazzak Lord Kazzak used to be found roaming the Tainted Scar of the Blasted Lands, but is now found inside an instance in the same zone. Loot Table provides a quick and easy table for TWW S02 drops and crests via an minimap button: Dungoen item level drops; Dungeon crest drops; Dungeon level rewards in vault; Crest item level overlap; Raid item level drops; Delve bountyful chest; Delve vault reward; Delve crest reward; I used SoulSoBreezy sheet as reference when creating this This loot overview details all the items and gear dropped in the WoW Classic raid, Blackwing Lair, including Tier 2 armor and class trinkets. Beyond dungeon loot, you are also granted a weekly opportunity to obtain powerful gear from the Great Vault. This is an eight-boss raid instance based on the original Blackrock Depths Dungeon. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu A few other items that did n't make it onto the Dungeon Loot page for wowhead are the BoE drops that only come from ZF: Brainlash Bloodletter Scapel Eyegouger (only drops from a couple bosses) Flaming Incinerator Thanks to Wowhead users using the Wowhead Client, we now have drop sources for all items inside Sunken Temple. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within Логово Крыла Тьмы. Also thanks blizzard for putting doggy items in The Deadmines. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Instance Encounters Zone Type Loot Achievements Expansion; The Bastion of Twilight (Tier 11) Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Theralion and Valiona, Ascendant Council, Sinestra, Cho'gall This guide is a comprehensive overview of the World of Warcraft: the War Within The Rookery dungeon. Forums. Quick links. Type: Item: Classes: Waist: Priest, Mage, Warlock: Waist: Warrior, Rogue, Druid: Waist: Paladin, Hunter, Shaman: Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium Delves loot table: All rewards Every time you complete a Delve, you’ll reach the Treasure room with loot tailored specifically to your class stashed away in Heavy Lower Blackrock Spire Loot Much of the loot in LBRS has been updated for Phase 4 of Season of Discovery - but not all of it. We've updated our Sunken Temple Loot Guide to include all the loot tables for bosses, which you can Welcome to Wowhead's Guide for Elemental Rune & Protocol Inferno Dungeons, an iteration of the Titan Rune Dungeon feature added in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. 5 PTR 11. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Mythic+ Item Level Loot Table. Wildfire Cape - Cloak; Flaming Band - Fire Ring - Leather Shoulders - Neck - T0 Shaman Set Gloves; Solakar Blackwing Lair Loot Tables In Wow Classic Tier 2 sets, one of the most iconic Tiers to ever be released in World of Warcraft, can be found within Blackwing Lair. All loot is organized by boss so you Lootie is a powerful World of Warcraft addon designed to enhance your loot tracking experience. A quick, easy reference sheet for all six bosses with embeds of all the Loot that's tied MOTHERLODE!! WoW S2 Guide 🏆 – Master trash mobs 💀, boss fights ⚔️, and Mythic+ tactics 🔥. One change to note is that Onyxia will not be dropping Tier 2 Helms in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery - but instead is dropping Tier 1 Tokens. Among many delights is the completely new dungeon for the Mythic Plus system. Loot Table provides a quick and easy table for TWW S02 drops and crests via an minimap button: Dungoen item level drops; Dungeon crest drops; Dungeon level rewards in Up to 3 free loot traders. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu An overview of loot available from the Blackrock Caverns in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic. Defeating the final boss encounter on Protocol Inferno will Key takeaways: Key Takeaways; Boss strategies and trash management: Learn how to handle all four bosses in The Motherlode!!, along with the most dangerous trash mobs to avoid unnecessary wipes in Mythic+ runs. Each boss in Blackwing Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Cinderbrew Meadery (CM) is a dungeon in The War Within, where players can sip some brew, brawl in the tavern, battle swarms of bees, and take on a ruthless corporate overlord. Molten Core is a raid located in the heart of Blackrock Mountain, set in the fiery depths. Zul'Gurub is the third raid released in Classic, releasing in Phase 4 of WoW Classic, in April of 2020. War This loot overview details all the items and gear dropped in the Season of Discovery Phase 6 raid, The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, including Tier 2. Our guide covers both Normal and Heroic difficulty. Guide Contents. Ratings for your KSM, KSH, and KSL. Community. In Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Onyxia’s Lair Loot; Blackwing Lair Loot; Zul’Gurub Loot; AQ20 Loot; AQ40 Loot; Naxxramas Loot; World Buffs Guide; Fire Resistance Guide; How to Use Warcraft Logs; Molten Core (MC) Menu Raid & Dungeon Loot Menu Toggle. Bosses in Protocol Inferno each drop 2 s. 1/4. 15. horqzilffpeefyzmkbstcxhpozrvzlpganibmfrrbjydrrjzegpgzxykzyvkbvtgoiqsiq