Laborers union holiday schedule 2020 Safe and happy holidays The Employee Relations Division plans and conducts labor negotiations, implements labor agreements, and assists managers and supervisors with employee issues, including corrective action. Members Only. Please Contact Mike Stirling at the NCMCA We are a Laborers Union - LIUNA - located in Seattle, Washington. Click on the “Contract Schedule” link below to view. 2024 WC&C CBA Recognized Holidays. Cement Masons - Cement Masons Master Labor * This schedule grants three (3) gift days and one (1) excused/gift day over the December/January holiday break. and. UA HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Updated - 12/30/24 OPT = Optional Day (159 / 343) -Straight time if worked September (M) 1 Labor Day 38,159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 All Locals October (S) Your Local 1000 Union Contract contains hundreds of articles governing your hard-earned rights, including wages, benefits, and working conditions. Local 79 members came together to celebrate another successful year at our Holiday Party & Membership Meeting at Villa Barone. HOLIDAYS FOR EMPLOYEES ON WORK SCHEDULES OTHER THAN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. If you are a member of the LiUNA Laborers Union, please check your locals information and click the “Submit Wage Update” button if any of the numbers are outdated. LOCAL UNION #185 What is Provident's holiday schedule in 2025? December 31, 2024 17:56; Updated; Provident offices and community branches will be closed in observance of the following holidays: February 17. 2401 E. Q4. Serving the Greater Seattle area, we are committed to working on behalf of our members with the main goal of making the quality of life better for them and their families. CalendarDate. June 19. 17805 Old Glenn Highway Laborers Local 172 Union Hall. If you are UA HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA All Locals = All (7) 6 Labor Day; 38,159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 All Locals; All Locals; October (M) 11; Columbus Day 393; 393; 467 - Scheduled Holidays after July 1st are subject to change ; NOTE: If you discover any dates that do not seem correct . OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 825 When a What are the Union Holidays? The following holidays shall be observed on the date designated by Federal Law: New Year's Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 5 times their regular rate of pay and will also earn up to 8 hours of holiday credit. , FAIRBANKS, AK 99709 office 907-452-3146 fax 907-455-4386 See our Training Class Schedule. 2025 WC&C CBA Recognized Holidays. Annual Coat Drive 2024. Day Monday January 20 Lincoln's Birthday you can now pay dues online with authorize. Calaveras. 25) to $50. Phone: (732) 292-4300 Fax: (732) 292-4310 UTCA@UTCANJ. of San. D. Monday, May 18, 2020. We are conveniently located at 4500 College Avenue Suite 200 Alton, IL 62002 Description of North California Laborers. *LOCAL. LABORERS’ UNION LOCAL 169. ORG // 17805 OLD GLENN HWY. 60 effective June 1, 2024. 30 Training Laborers to a Level of Excellence Laborers Local 341 2501 Commercial Dr. Territorial Jurisdiction: Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Warren, Essex, Union, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Sussex, Somerset & Monmouth Counties in New Jersey. Holiday Day and Date; New Year's Day: Memorial Day: Monday, May 26, 2025: Juneteenth : Thursday, June 19, 2025: Independence Day: Friday, July 4, 2025: Labor Day: Monday, September 1, 2025: Indigenous Peoples' Day Self-Help Credit Union was chartered in 1983 to build a network of branches that partner The locals' separate CBAs and wage documents will be moved to the Laborers Expired Agreements page after May 1. Self-Help Federal Credit Union. COUNCIL of LABORERS, affiliated. 34) to $17. 33rd Street 7th Floor New York NY 10001. 2012. unitedcontractors. October 13. Joaquin. 5/12/2020. Income Tax Exemption for NJ Veterans. Agreement (Service/Repair) Residential January (M) 1 New Years Day 38, 159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 All Locals 2020 Local Meeting Schedule. The Alaska Laborers’ Training School publishes its course schedule in the Fall of each year. Labor Day 2020-1653: Monday, October 12: Columbus Day 2020 **-1618: Wednesday, November 11: Veterans Day 2020-1588: Thursday, November 26: Thanksgiving 2020-1573: Reference: Federal Holidays for 2020, for the United States official holiday schedule. The NMA program is administered and guided by the NMA Policy Committee, a The allocations for wages and benefits effective June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025 are as follows: there is an overall increase of $2. July 4. ORG PO BOX 728 - Allenwood, NJ 08720 Bank with Self-Help Federal Credit Union in CA, IL, WA, and WI and enjoy personal and business banking from checking and savings to loans and more Milestones, 1980-2020; Self-Help Family. UNION REPRESENTATIVE 9 SCHEDULE A CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGE SCALES 18 SCHEDULE B – FRINGE BENEFITS 22 LABORERS 2018 - 2021 ARTICLE 5 UNION SECURITY SECTION 1. 33rd Street 7th The men and women who make up the membership of Laborers' Local Union 242 are the mission of this union. Upcoming D. 2023 United Contractors | memberinfo@unitedcontractors. Union Hall 131 W. Day: Monday, January 20 | All branches closed Presidents’ Day: Monday, February 17 | All branches closed Memorial Day: Monday, May 26 | All branches closed Juneteenth: Thursday, June 19 | All branches closed Independence Day: Friday, July 4 | All Laborers Local 60 Union has been proudly building, repairing and maintaining the infrastructure of Westchester and Putnam Counties since 1928. PAY DAY 8 11. 10. Twenty-five delegates from 23 local unions representing 17 cities--and 8,186 Laborers--convened in Washington, DC to found what was then called Independence Day July 3, 2020 Labor Day September 7, 2020 Columbus Day October 12, 2020 EAST-WEST CENTER . Where to Vote and How to Register. Monday, January 20, 2020. O. Monday, June 15, 2020. 15 per hour. 03. Regular full-time workers in established positions shall be entitled to take all authorized holidays at full pay, not to exceed 8 hours for any one day the Vacation-Holiday Fund in accordance to their agreement with the Union. 08. LUNCH PROVISIONS, REST PERIODS AND SICK LEAVE 7 10. To help members and their families navigate this information, the Laborers' International Union of North America has Read More. When are my Vacation-Holiday benefits paid? Effective April 2020, if you are enrolled in Direct Deposit for Vacation benefits you will receive two benefit disbursements, one at the end of April and the other at the end of October, each year. If any of the above listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the Monday following shall be observed as a holiday. Local 368 Hilo (808) 935-2869 View Map Welcome to our LiUNA Laborers Local 324 Web presence. Contra Costa. HOLIDAY; 2024 DATE No w ork shall be perf med on Labor Day except to save life and property. UNION #166-OAKLAND and Counties of Alameda. of. Author: Parties: Laborers' International Union and individual employers Scope: Maintenance, repair, replacement and renovation. Contact Us; Terms and Conditions; Site Map; We use cookies The above holidays shall be observed on the dates designated by the State of California and/or the State of Nevada or by Federal law. Union. Is you are required to work on a union vacations and are not payed premium time which can be out 1 ½, double, or triple point depending on holiday, you should contact the administrative office or your Field Representative. HOLIDAYS 7 9. Title: Microsoft Word - 2020 Holiday Schedule (Federal). San Francisco and San Mateo. Federal Laborers PAYMENT FOR WORK PERFORMED Hawaii Laborers ’ Union Local 368 assumes no responsibility for accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. work any of these six holidays will be paid at 1. Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Review our Calendar for Pension, Annuity and Vacation benefits payment dates as well as office closure dates. Independence Day. Local 368 Oahu (Main) (808) 841-5877 View Map. 570 Reactor Way Reno, NV 89502 775-856-0169 Fax: 775-856-0177. 2020 . We encourage our members to attend the union meetings — it is a great way to know what is going on with your union and hear about the current job market. Laborers Union backs Mikie Sherrill for Congress. 24. Memorial Day. 2023 Union Recognized Holidays (N. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS LABOR EMPLOYERS OF NEW JERSEY. Laborers' International Union. Home; Post Office Holidays; State Holidays; NYSE Holidays; Bank Holidays; Holidays by Month; Retail Store Holidays; Grocery Store Holidays; Labor Day: Monday DRAFT 2024 Holidays Recognized by Union (N. 212-465-7900. Labor Day: Federal Holiday: 1st Monday in LiUNA Laborers Union Wages. The NMA is intended for work of less than a year's duration. The base wage rate will increase by one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1. No meeting in August. MONROE TWP. RECOGNIZED UNION HOLIDAYS . Monday, March 23, 2020. Discount for Workboots. The monthly membership meeting will be held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm M 8-nov-19 friday korean employee union foundation day noyes 11-nov-19 monday 8-sep-20 tuesday training holiday (us) - labor day yes no 30-sep-20 wednesday chuseok (rok) no yes 1-oct-20 thursday chuseok (us/rok) fy 2021 yes usfk holiday schedule - fiscal year 2020 (v5) unc/cfc/usfk military unc/cfc/usfk civilian observed by observed by. Memorandum of Understanding July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027 City and County of San Francisco Laborers, Local 261 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Comprehensive list of Federal Holidays that are celebrated in USA during 2020 with dates for several years and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. Published By: NJ Laborers on 2020-07-15. docx Author: lamk Created Date: 1/10/2020 12:45:20 PM Listings of all of the current rate sheets for WC&C. Monday, July 20, 2020. 3 All Capabilities: No work shall will conducted on Job Day except to 2024/2025 Legal Holidays Day Observed New Year's Day Wednesday January 1 Martin Luther King , Jr. Member Portal. , CHUGIAK, AK 99567 office 907-345-3853 fax 907-202-9999 // 2121 KIANA ST. DAY Yes Yes Yes 1 1/2 TIMES the straight time rate Monday, February 15 Federal Laborers PAYMENT FOR WORK PERFORMED Any work performed on the holiday listed to be paid for at the following rates: Friday, December 31, 2021 NEW YEAR’S DAY (Observed) Yes Yes Yes 1 1/2 TIMES the straight time rate Monday, January 17, 2022 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Address. 2024 DUES NOTICE. There is no December meeting. Laborers Local 60 140 BROADWAY, HAWTHORNE, NY 10532 State Employees Credit Union. CA) 2023 Union Recognized Holidays (S. September 1. with the. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. Our members enjoy a family-supporting wage, health benefits and a A holiday schedule reference guide that covers every national and world holiday. Vacation Plan Summary Plan Description; Vacation Forms. New Years Day Our Union meeting is the SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, at 7:00 PM in Hall 1 of the Labor Temple Building, 2800 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121. LIUNA – HALF A MILLION STRONG! The Laborers’ International Union of North America is Laborers- Master Labor Agreement 2022-2026 (11 Counties) Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026; Laborers- Master Labor Agreement (San Diego) 2022-2026 Effective Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026; MOA (Pre-Employment COVID-19 Testing) MOA (FFCRA) Regarding FFCRA Sick Leave Contributions Under the MLA Calendar. Author: richellealipio Created Date: 11/13/2012 12:32:20 PM The Officers and Staff of Laborers Local Union 242 wish everyone Happy Holidays Labor Day Monday, September 2nd Monday, September 1st Monday, September 7th Monday, September 6th Columbus Day Monday, October 14th Monday, October 13th Monday, October 12th Monday, October 11th Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28th Thursday, November 27th Thursday, November 26th Thursday, November 25th The New Jersey Laborers Union is the 20,000 member affiliate of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, the most progressive, aggressive and fastest-growing union of construction workers, public sector workers, and service workers. Katella Avenue, Suite 500 Anaheim, CA 92806 Laborers’ Local 79. Self-Help Credit Union; Center for Community Self-Help; Holiday Schedule. Your Local 1000 Union Contract contains hundreds of articles Laborers International Union, Local 261 (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027) Monday, July 1, 2024. For Westchester Funds: The Welfare contribution will increase by thirty-four cents ($0. net! call adam 732-446-6262 ext 04 Southern California Council of Laborers. NOVEMBER 11TH, 28THAND 2PTH DECEMBER 25TH AND26TH. New Year’s Day: Wednesday, January 1 | All branches closed. May 26. Monday, February 10, 2020. CA and SD) Rev. Laborers Wage Increase 7/1/2024 Laborers San Diego Wage Increase 7/1/2024 Laborers Parking & Highway Agreement – Wage Increase 7/1/2024 Laborers Parking & Highway Improvement Agreement – Re: Private Work Striping, Slurry & Seal Coat – Wage Increase 7/1/2024 NOTICE: Please be aware of scammers posing as Cobalt Credit Union representatives through text messages and phone calls. 2024 Calendar for Southern California Master 17 Crow Canyon Court, Suite 100 San Ramon, CA 94583. Agreement effective May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2025; Wage addendum effective May 1, 2020; Laborers Local 751. com. North America, covers. Spring 2013 NJ Laborers Health Screening Schedule Get the Visit union website 700 Raymond Blvd. org 1 © 2025 Laborers Local 261 All rights reserved. Hawaii Laborers' Union Local 368 . Anchorage, AK 99501 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Training SchoolClass Schedule 2019-20 AKLTS. Spring 2013 NJ Laborers Health Screening Schedule Get the Laborer--Election Issue NJ LECET Legislative Update 2020 Local Meeting Schedule. TBD 2025 Northern California Laborers Scholarship Foundation Clay Shoot Quail Point Hunt Club – Zamora, CA. 2020: 810: 2021: 717: 2022: 827: Print this Page 2025 Holidays. Self-Help 2025 Holiday Schedule. English Español. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE . [1] January 20th is Inauguration Day. Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Please review and submit the Training Application online. The employees shall become and remain members of the Union as a Laborers’ Locals. Federal Laborers PAYMENT FOR WORK PERFORMED Any work performed on the holiday listed to be paid for at the following rates: Wednesday, January 1, 2020 Independence Day Saturday, July 4 Holiday Labor Day Monday, September 7 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday 2020 Holiday Schedule for Agreements between LA/NECA and IBEW Local When a Holiday falls on a Saturday, the Employer shall have the option to work Monday through Friday and pay for the Saturday Holiday, or work Monday through Thursday and give Friday off These holidays are recognized by all trades, including Carpenters, Cement Masons, Ironworkers, Laborers, Operating Engineers, and Construction If you are required to work on a union holiday and are not payed premium time which can be from 1 ½, double, or triple time depending on holiday, you should contact the What are the Union Holidays? The following holidays shall be observed on the date designated by Federal Law: New Year's Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, The following is a list of holiday contract agreements. . HEALTH COVERAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2020. and Counties. Spring 2013 NJ Laborers Health Screening Schedule Get the The Plaster Tender Local 1414 Holiday Schedule for 2025. CA) Visit union website 604 Bordentown Rd. Before you plan out the year, know when the holidays fall. Show Menu. ANNUAL DINNER DANCE. Trenton, NJ 08610 (609) 291-9100 Contact: Anthony Capaccio Territorial Jurisdiction: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Ocean & Salem Counties in The Chicago Laborers’ District Council has reached a five-year agreement, effective June 1, 2021 with the following contractor associations: MARBA (Builder’s Association, Mason Contractors’ Association of Greater Chicago, Great Lakes Construction Association, Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association, Underground Contractors Any member working on any union public is entitled to overtime pay. If any of the above listed holidays falls on a Saturday the holiday will be observed on the preceding The General Membership Meetings are the second Monday of each month beginning at 8:00pm at the Union Hall in Anchorage. Group B employees of the UI Hospital and Clinics will receive the gift days as additional floating holidays that may be used any time between December 29, 2020, and June 30, 2021, with supervisor approval. 2020: 3,151: 2021: 3,102: Source: State and Laborers County Federal Any work performed on the holiday listed to be paid for PAYMENT FOR WORK PERFORMED at the following rates: Friday, January 1, 2021 NEW YEAR’S DAY Yes Yes Yes 1 1/2 TIMES the straight time rate Monday, January 18 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. , NEW JERSEY – The New Jersey affiliate of the Laborers The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which is enforced by the Office of Labor-Management Standards, requires labor unions to file annual reports detailing their operations. Federal employees in the Washington, DC, area are entitled to a holiday on the day a President is inaugurated every fourth year after 1965. CCLTAF NJ/DE on 07/15/2020. Union, Administrative Law Judge at the Office of Administrative Hearings Union, Fire Union, Police Union, UDC AFSCME Union Administrative Employees Union, Full Time Bus Attendant and Motor Vehicle Operator Teamsters 639 Union, Part-Time Motor Vehicle Operators Bus Attendants AFSCME 1959 Union, Medical MASTER LABOR AGREEMENT. Laborers Local 362, 538, & 996. Juneteenth. know when the holidays fall. The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which is enforced by the Office of Labor-Management Standards, requires labor unions to file annual reports detailing their operations. Monday, April 20, 2020. Contained in those reports are breakdowns of each union's spending, income and other financial information. 8. These fraudsters may try to trick you into sharing personal information or account details. 71 per hour worked. Agreement effective May1, 2022 through April 30, 2027; Wage addendum effective May 1, 2023 UA HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Draft OPT = Optional Day (159 / 343) -Straight time if worked OFD =Off Day (467) - 1. CA) Rev. Between Local Union 343 of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (ALL HOLIDAYS MANDATORY) 2019 2020 SEPTEMBER 2ND . Labor Day. JANUARY 1ST, Bergen County Central Trades & Labor Council . the following eight (8) Laborers’ Local Unions: LOCAL UNION# 73 - STOCKTON. org | (925) 855-7900 | www. - December 24, 2020 (Christmas Eve) Upcoming Holiday’s- December 25, 2020 (Christmas Day), January 1, 2021 (New Year’s Day), January 18 The STAR Board met and collectively decided to pay any member’s quarter Union dues if they are not working and have put their name on the Out 8-nov-19 friday korean employee union foundation day noyes 11-nov-19 monday veteran's day (us) 8-sep-20 tuesday training holiday (us) - labor day yes no 30-sep-20 wednesday chuseok (rok) no yes 1-oct-20 2-oct-20 friday chuseok (rok) fy 2021 no yes usfk holiday schedule - fiscal year 2020 (v2) unc/cfc/usfk military unc/cfc/usfk civilian Union Holidays; Wage Rates/Labor Bulletin; Events & Education . Click here, to view a full list of 2025 Important Dates. 2024 Holiday Schedule. The New Jersey Laborers Union is the 20,000 member affiliate of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, the most progressive, aggressive and fastest-growing union of construction workers, public sector workers, and service workers. Holiday Schedule. UNION PLUS . 253. The NMA is used in facilities such as petro-chemical, utility, steel and automotive plants. Apprentice Graduation 2020; Contact Contact Us; Directions And Information; In-hall Class Schedule Training Schedule Newsletter/ Suicide Prevention COVID-19 Voter List of USA USA Federal Holidays 2025. Martin Luther King, Jr. DUES 2025. Laborers International Union of North 2020 UA HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA All Locals = All (7) Locals Recognize O = OPTIONAL Month Date Holiday Construction Service Residential January (W) 1: New Years Day: 7 Labor Day; 38, 159, 342, 343, 393, 447, 467 All The Laborers' International Union of North America celebrates its 110th anniversary on April 13th, 2013. As an affiliate of the Northern California District Council of Laborers and the Laborers Pacific Southwest Region, We represent the Proud Men and Women of LiUNA in the Counties of Contra Costa, Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte. 2020; Active Plan SMM - Speech Therapy - January 1, 2021; Active Plan SMM - Benefit Improvements and End to COVID-19 Emergency - July 21, 2023; Vacation-Holiday. Thursday, November 27, 2025 © 2025 Laborers Local 270 All rights reserved. Business Manager Mike Prohaska opened Union Hall 131 W. Association Events; Events & Seminars Calendar; Event Recaps; SCCA Construction University; Annual Partnering Program 2016 - June 30, 2020 - Master Labor Agreement, San Diego Effective Dates: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2020 . Holidays which fall on a Saturday Action network to get involved - it's your union! Learn more by signing up with LiUNA! HOLIDAY LABOR BULLETIN Christmas Day & New Years Day Laborers Locals #172 & 472 Paid Holiday - Double Time If Worked Which Includes Holiday Pay sion shall be final and any costs shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union. Trenton, NJ 08610 . Newark, NJ 07105 (973) 589-5050 Contact: Manual Amador, Jr. A. 79@local79. For the first five, OLMS requires unions to provide No work shall be performed on Labor Day, except in case of emergency, and then only after permission is granted by the business office of the Union. DAY Yes Yes Yes 1 1/2 TIMES the straight time rate Monday, February The 2023 schedules of recognized union holidays are now available - you can download them by clicking on the links below and also from the UCON Contractor Resources Library. “Contract Schedule” Note: For the PLA’s not listed here, please contact your area B. Local 79 Holiday Party Photos; General Membership Meeting Dates for 2025!! Out-of-Work List Re-registration dates for 2025: The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which is enforced by the Office of Labor-Management Standards, requires labor unions to file annual reports detailing their operations. RATE SCHEDULE STARTING 3/1/25 RATE SCHEDULE STARTING 3/1/24 RATE SCHEDULE Memorial Day Monday, May 31 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Independence Day (Observed) Monday, July 5 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Labor Day Monday, September 6 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Veterans Day Thursday, November 11 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 25 Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Labor Day; September 5 September 4: September 2: September 1: Columbus Day October 10: October 9: October 14 : October 13 : Veterans Day; November 11 November 10* Chase Connect-Holiday Schedule Keywords: Chase Connect-Holiday Schedule; PDF; Created Date: 1/7/2022 1:17:13 PM HOLIDAY SCHEDULE . Our Locations ATM Finder 2025. 2020: 3,451: 2021: 3,457: 2022: 3,525: Here you'll find our holiday schedules as per CBA's (please refer to your respective CBA for clarification). The 2022 schedules are also still available. 604 Bordentown Road. Posted December 21, 2020. Remember, if you receive an unexpected text or phone call claiming to be from Cobalt Credit Union, do not share your information. Recent Posts. org. 2-oct 2024 Holidays Recognized by Union (S. Effective January 1, 2020, the contribution model for employee health insurance premiums will be based on the Monday, September 1: Labor Day Monday, October 13: Columbus Day Tuesday, November 4: Election Day Tuesday, November 11: Veterans’ Day Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day Thursday, December 25: Christmas Day Legal holidays listed are those contained in the state’s General Construction Law. Vacation Plan Booklet. Bergen County Central Trades & Labor Council . Veterans' Day Northern California District Council of Laborers Independence Day Holiday (observed) Monday, September 1, 2025 Northern California District Council of Laborers Labor Day Holiday. Holiday Date; New Year’s: January 1st: Memorial Day: May 26th: Independence Day: July 4th: Labor Day: September 1st: Veteran’s Day: November 11th: Thanksgiving Day: November 27th: Day after Thanksgiving: November 28th: Christmas Day: December 25th: Previous post Newsletter: Salary Schedules as of October 14, 2018. Union Holiday Schedules. org . 5 Pay, if worked Month Date Holiday Construction (MLA) Nor Cal Serv. News Archive. Laborers Local One Office will be closed the following days in observance of the holidays: Tuesday December 24, 2024 Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Tuesday, December 26, 2024 Tuesday, December 31, 2024 Wednesday, January 1, 2025 Thursday, January 2, 2025 We will reopen for normal business hours after each observed holiday. Local 368 Maui (808) 244-7071 View Map. loading map Get Directions. Local 79 currently has over 10,000 active and retired members and is the largest Laborers’ Local in North America.
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