Gwinnett county alcohol ordinance Department of Agriculture (if retail package only) at (770) 535-5955 Distilled spirits or spirituous liquor means any alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation or containing more than 24 percent alcohol by volume. 2023 WHEREAS, the Gwinnett County Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance regulates the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages within unincorporated Gwinnett County; and WHEREAS, during the 2019 - 2020 session of the Georgia General Assembly, revisions were made to Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 3- 3-1 et seq through House Bill 879 to allow an ordinance amending article ii of chapter 74 of the code of ordinances of gwinnett county, entitled "municipal-gwinnett county planning commission," by repealing section 74-21 in its entirety, and by replacing that repealed section with a new section 74-21. § 6-186. Tethering It is unlawful to tether an animal outdoors except when ALL the following conditions are met: Our Floodplain Management Ordinance prohibits construction within the floodplain. - Enforcement of article. GWINNETT COUNTY CLEAN INDOOR AIR ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, CHAPTER 42, ARTICLE VI, PERTAINING TO SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES AND PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Browse table of contents. 0. lawrenceville, georgia . 110-10. ) modified (This ordinance was created from a related meeting. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, ARTICLE II “EXCISE TAXES” AND ARTICLE III “ LICENSING Expand CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA; ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; Expand Chapter The term "Unified Development Ordinance," also referred to as "UDO," means The Unified Development Ordinance of Gwinnett County, Georgia, adopted on Gwinnett Code Enforcement inspects properties within unincorporated Gwinnett County and does not handle code violations within city limits. These guidelines are found in the Code of Ordinances, Gwinnett County, Georgia—Chapter 6, Alcoholic Beverages. This includes rezonings, special use permits, variances, zoning certifications, code enforcement, building Gwinnett County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 6. Church Distance requirement applies to any church building. 10-26. 3 Words used in the singular include the plural and words used in the plural include the singular. Alcohol Survey-Gwinnett County has specific distance requirements which must be met for approval of an Alcoholic Beverage License. m. O. Gwinnett County Alcoholic Beverage License Pursuant to Section 6-13 of the Gwinnett County Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance, alcoholic beverage license is not transferable, and all alcoholic beverages sales must cease once ownership is transferred. Sunday is not a Burn Day as prescribed by Gwinnett County Code of Ordinances, § 7. 200-60. I understand that a violation of Section 6-13 will result in revocation of the license being § 7. Preamble and purpose. Penalties for violation of article. 513. The provisions of this article shall be enforced by authorized personnel of the county department of fire and emergency services, or by authorized officers of the county department of police services. Gwinnett County Tree Ordinance Trees are more than just part of the scenery—they keep our air clean, provide shade, reduce flooding, and create enjoyable spaces for everyone to enjoy. 2 The word "shall" is always mandatory, and the word "may" is permissive. compliance or non-compliance with distance requirement pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance of Gwinnett County. § 6-187. Definitions. C. 10-30. Complaints filed with the County Attorney will follow these steps: County Attorney processes the complaint The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners adopted a new noise control ordinance on May 18, 2021. 111 ordinances. 8, This page contains links to Gwinnett County ordinances giving detailed information on rules and regulations governing several business functions in unincorporated parts of Gwinnett: Pouring permit means an authorization granted by the county to dispense, sell, serve, take orders, or mix alcoholic beverages in establishments licensed as a retail consumption dealer. Amendments to Alcoholic Beverages ordinance. PRIVATE CLUBS § 6-183. (gcid2024-0455) enacted july 16, 2024. under the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance of Gwinnett County. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Article I. To obtain an alcohol pouring permit, you must submit to a fingerprint and background investigation with the Gwinnett County Police Department, located at: 446 W Crogan Street Business/Occupation Tax Online Renewals - Due February 15 Business/Occupation Tax Online Payments U. The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners adopted a new Gwinnett County Code of Ethics on November 15, 2011, that replaced the 1993 Code of Ethics. Packaged beer and wine may be sold between 12:30 p. S. Read the County’s statement regarding the provision of CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION; Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; Chapter 10 - ANIMALS; Chapter 14 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; Chapter 18 - BUSINESSES; Chapter 22 - CABLE AND VIDEO SERVICE CODE OF ORDINANCES of the Gwinnett County Unified Development Ordinance for more information. 8, Update 3) 1. There is a $50 filing fee, which will be waived or reimbursed in most cases. The revised Code of Ethics provides comprehensive ethics reform and sets The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners adopted a new noise control ordinance on May 18, 2021. 1 Words used in the present tense include the future tense. 339. - RETAIL PACKAGE SALES OF MALT BEVERAGES AND WINE officers of the police department shall have the authority to inspect establishments licensed under the alcoholic beverages ordinance of the county during the hours in which the premises are open for Uni ed Development Ordinance Updated April 2019 Gwinnett County Unified Development Ordinance Eleventh Edition Adopted/First Edition: February 25, 2014 Second Edition: July 22, 2014 Third Edition: November 4, 2014 Fourth Edition: April 28, 2015 Fifth Edition: June 24, 2015 Sixth Edition: July 21, 2015 Seventh Edition: September 22, 2015 Notice: Effective January 1, 2025, and pending further direction from the court, the city of Mulberry will be responsible for all planning, zoning, code enforcement, permitting, and business licensing activities within the city limits pursuant to the city of Mulberry’s Letter of Intent. consumption of alcoholic beverages in so called nude bars or establishments offering Adult Entertainment Ordinance, Gwinnett County, GA Subject: Adult Entertainment Ordinance § 7. 4 %âãÏÓ 31 0 obj > endobj xref 31 38 0000000016 00000 n 0000001424 00000 n 0000001504 00000 n 0000001683 00000 n 0000002017 00000 n 0000002051 00000 n 0000002127 00000 n 0000005655 00000 n 0000009491 00000 n 0000012548 00000 n 0000016127 00000 n 0000019086 00000 n 0000022507 00000 n 0000022958 00000 n 230-100. County ordinance violations consist of any ordinance enacted by the Board of Commissioners made punishable by less than six months in jail. However, the county has changed dramatically since then, so the County began a two-year effort to Alcohol is permitted in designated venues and rented areas only. The Department of Planning and Development serves to promote and enhance the well-being of residents and businesses in Gwinnett County by planning for growth and maintaining adopted standards for development. Gwinnett County allows the keeping of chickens and bees in non-agricultural residential zoning districts to preserve homeowners’ access to fresh eggs and honey. 8. Hidden Changes to how alcohol is sold . At the meeting of the Lilburn City Council held at 340 Main Street, Lilburn, Georgia. Learn more from Planning and Development. Reserved Sec. § 6-184. (Supp. - Noise from establishments prohibited. 8, Update 3) GWINNETT COUNTY CODE BUSINESSES ARTICLE II. Gwinnett County Animal Control Ordinance Ordinance Number AC-2015-001 Chapter 10 – ANIMALS Secs. Regulation of sale of alcoholic beverages. I understand the basic purpose is to have and continuously maintain in the County a Registered Agent upon which any process, notice, or demand required or GWINNETT COUNTY CITY OF DULUTH AN ORDINANCE TO ADDRESS ALCOHOL LICENSING FOR PROPERTIES ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) WHEREAS, the City of Duluth has adopted a variety of regulations limiting the sale of alcohol to certain zoning districts; and WHEREAS, the City of Duluth’s alcohol sales regulations do not contemplate 630-10. A home built on a floodplain lot is required to be elevated three feet above the 100-year Base Flood Elevation. ) meeting. The new ordinance, which goes into effect June 1, replaces the County’s noise control ordinance that was adopted in 2015. IN GENERAL § 6-6. 4100 Email: P&D-LicenseRevenue@gwinnettcounty. ALCOHOLIC County ordinances and codes regulate development, construction, and maintenance of all property in all unincorporated areas. No. 1 SWIMMING POOL. A Landscape Strip at least 10 feet in width adjacent to any street right-of-way abutting the property and running the length of the entire property prevention section and the county fire marshal's office. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Chapter 6. CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. Gwinnett County Fire Marshal (all applications) at (678) 518-4800 2. Phone: 678. as well as sound amplifying equipment and noise levels and notify the renter of adjustments as necessary to maintain Gwinnett County noise ordinance levels; For the purpose of the UDO, certain words or terms used herein shall be defined as follows: 110-10. Sec. page . 5000. reading and Ordinances for Gwinnett County, GA Code of Ordinances. Record Restriction requests for Gwinnett County Sheriff Code/Ordinance Pay Business Alcohol Excise Tax: FEMA No-Rise Certificate Form Fee Schedule Guidance Financial Institutions Business License Tax Code/Ordinance Pay Financial Institution Tax Unicorporated Gwinnett County Map Map Unified Development Ordinance Code/Ordinance Unified Development Ordinance Amended 9. PRIVATE CLUBS Article VI. 8, Update 4) Smoking of cigars in any establishment that serves alcohol or food shall be prohibited. 1 Requires the Department of Revenue to develop and implement a state-wide centralized application process for retail package, consumption on premise and special events alcohol licensing. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Article VI. The Unified Development Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Georgia, Article 9, Section 2, Paragraphs 1 and 3; by the County's authority to enact regulations and exercise powers granted by local laws; by the County's planning authority and general police powers; and by other powers and authority provided by federal, state, and local laws Notice: Effective January 1, 2025, and pending further direction from the court, the city of Mulberry will be responsible for all planning, zoning, code enforcement, permitting, and business licensing activities within the city limits pursuant to the city of Mulberry’s Letter of Intent. EE): Gwinnett County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 6. Any structure of inert and enduring material City of Lilburn Ordinance . Alcoholic beverage means and includes all alcohol, distilled spirits, beer, malt beverage, wine or fortified wine as defined in this section. Alcohol Pouring Permits. 10-1 – 10-25. com. The undersigned understands and applied the following criteria in making said determinations: 1. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Gwinnett County is authorized to In unincorporated areas in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the sale of packaged liquor is prohibited. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES The following regulations shall apply to all establishments holding a license for consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises: first time conviction for illegal possession of alcohol as a misdemeanor or violation of a county ordinance shall not, by itself, make a Gwinnett County Recorder's Court 115 Stone Mountain Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046-6900 1-877-794-0988 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Recorder's Court also handles all Gwinnett County code ordinance violations, such as citations written by Gwinnett County Animal Control, the Planning and Zoning/Inspection Department, the Business is a NO BURN DAY in Gwinnett County National Weather Service: A 30 percent chance of showers, mainly before 7am. As required by Official Code of Georgia § 50-36-1(1) any applicant for a Gwinnett County Business/Occupation Tax Certificate must execute an affidavit certifying legal presence in the United States and attach a front and back copy of one Expand CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE; Expand PART I - RELATED LAWS PART I - RELATED LAWS; RELAT expand code of ordinances gwinnett county, georgia code of ordinances gwinnett code of ordinances gwinnett county, georgia codified through ordinance no. The Ordinance also applies to all buildings and vehicles owned or operated by Gwinnett County. Collection bins shall be placed on a concrete or asphalt surface. The National Weather Service, along with the Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency, provides flood warning and evacuation information to local Gwinnett County, Georgia, Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 9 7/15/2014 Chapter 78 - PARKS AND RECREATION [87] (87) Cross reference— Alcoholic beverage means intoxicating beverage, malt beverage, wine or any other beverage containing any alcohol whatsoever. In Complaints under the Non-Discrimination Ordinance must be filed with the County Attorney on the provided form within 30 days of an alleged discriminatory act. Cigar bars and lounges shall not serve patrons under the age of 21. (GCID2024-0455) enacted July 16, 2024. Adoption of article by municipalities within county boundaries. (Code 1994, § 46-27; Ord. 9. Building. 38-102 - FINDINGS AND PURPOSE (a) The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby find that: Bar means an establishment that is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption by guests on the premises and in which Pursuant to Section 6-13 of the Gwinnett County Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance, alcoholic beverage license are not transferable and all alcoholic beverages sales must cease once ownership is transferred. and midnight, Monday through Saturday. 1 Applicability. GWINNETT COUNTY REGISTERED AGENT CONSENT FORM owners, officers, and/or directors and to perform all obligations of such agency under the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance of Gwinnett County. I understand the basic purpose is to have and continuously maintain in the County a Registered Agent upon which any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law or under said Ordinance to be served upon the licensee or owner may be served. If you plan to locate a business inside the city limits of a Gwinnett County municipality, please contact the appropriate city government. Collection bins shall not be placed within any landscape strip, landscaped parking lot island, Alcoholic beverages (except at specifically approved Gwinnett County locations). Number: 2019-545 . , Gwinnett County, Georgia—Chapter 6, Alcoholic Beverages. 17. 277. Counties & Cities of Georgia » Code of Federal Regulations » United States Code » Gwinnett County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 6. 3. When does the new Clean Indoor Air Ordinance take effect? April 1, 2004 . Licensees to maintain a copy of this chapter; employees to be familiar with terms; licensee responsible for violations. This Chapter shall apply to any activity on real property which requires the issuance of a Development or Land Disturbance Permit except as otherwise excluded in accordance to Table 630. Cigar bars and lounges shall be additionally subject to the requirements of the Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance Author: Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners Subject: It is unlawful for any owner or possessor of any dog to fail to keep the dog under restraint or control as provided in section 10-71 – Restraint of Dogs in the Gwinnett County ordinance. Retail package beer and/or wine shall not be sold at any time in violation of any local ordinance or regulations or of any special order of the governing authority. 2 Relationship between Comprehensive Plan and Zoning. Application forms. The Gwinnett County 2030 Unified Plan (Comprehensive Plan) does not change the existing zoning districts in Gwinnett County, %PDF-1. Robinson Park, 678. Pay for your alcohol license online through the Gwinnett County Business Tax Portal. 10-27. 18-239 (2) for Unlawful or prohibited activities. board of commissioners . An alcohol beverage license (alcohol privilege license) is required for any establishment selling or serving alcohol beverages within the City of Peachtree Corners. 2. Investigative and administrative costs. Certain organizations exempt from food establishment requirements. (Code 1978, § 7-2061; Code 1994, § 6-117; Ord. The board also voted to change the current county ordinance to allow deliveries of wine and beer from licensed businesses, mixed drink sells with takeout orders from restaurants and CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. of . To safeguard the health, well-being, and safety of residents, chickens, What does the ordinance say about keeping chickens? Unified Development Ordinance (230-130. To request a leash law letter be sent, call 770. Whether you require commercial permits, business licenses, or Gwinnett County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; ARTICLE I. Go to the Code of Ordinance to read Alcohol Pouring Permit *Effective January 1, 2020, permit fee will increase to $100. more . The new ordinance uses the plainly audible standard for determining whether a sound is violation of the ordinance. 26. 1 Nonresidential, Multi-family developments; and areas of commercial and civic uses of Traditional Neighborhood (TND) zoning districts shall provide for and maintain landscape plantings on-site as follows: . (100 yards minimum) 2. 00 and will renew every 2 years instead of yearly According to the county ordinance under Sec. 0931 From land use management and infrastructure development to zoning regulations and environmental assessments, we streamline the permitting process for your project. GCID2024-1128 (UDOA2024-00003) enacted December 3, 2024. and 11:30 p. Deny vendors access to Gwinnett County property who have not submitted proper documentation or insurance. I understand that a violation of Section 6 Before any Gwinnett County alcohol license can be issued, you must contact the following departments for your inspections: 1. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES Sec. . Contact Licensing and Revenue . (c) gcid 2021-0611 . 1 requires the Department of Revenue to develop and implement a state-wide centralized application process for initial 620-10. on Sunday, and between 7:00 a. gwinnett county . 18-31. Our Documents and Regulations page has links to most of the laws relevant to neighborhood Any licensee who desires to sell alcoholic beverages for outside consumption within the Gwinnett Entertainment District must possess an alcoholic beverage license in good standing with Poured alcohol to be transported by employees. To obtain an alcohol pouring permit, you must submit to a fingerprint and GWINNETT COUNTY LICENSING AND REVENUE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE 귀넷 카운티 면허 및 세무 알코올 주류 면허 O. Winds could gust as high as 30 mph. , the applicant must furnish the business license director and the county police department the name and address of the new manager and other information as requested within ten days of such change. Hours and Gwinnett County's 2020 Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Plan Map have been updated annually since adoption of the plans in 1997. 3. 1. A. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATION . West wind 10 to 15 mph increasing to 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. Visit Municode . Citizen/qualified alien affidavit. - IN GENERAL; Sec. Site Plan that conveys the proposed outdoor activities, including the parcel boundary, location of event activities, parking, and proposed temporary structures with measurements and square footage drawn to scale. A §3-2-7. 1 section(s) amended Gwinnett County's municipal codes and ordinances are located on an external site called Municode that is maintained by The Municipal Code Corporation. Payments made after January 1 will require a new application to be submitted and the inability to sell or store alcohol on the premises. E. An Alcohol Service Authorization must be completed if any alcoholic beverage is served at the rental event. as well as sound amplifying equipment and noise levels and notify the renter of adjustments as necessary to maintain Gwinnett County noise ordinance levels; Commercial activity without a permit issued by Gwinnett Parks and Recreation; Tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs; Abandonment of dogs per Gwinnett County Ordinance Section 10-9: It shall be unlawful for anyone to knowingly abandon or to aid in the abandonment of any domestic animal. As stated in the revised Code of Ethics, the ordinance took effect on November 29, 2011, the 14 th day after its adoption. G. 377. 8, Update 3) Gwinnett County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; ARTICLE IV. As Gwinnett continues to grow, we want to ensure that we are not just adding buildings but also growing and preserving our green spaces. an ordinance that amends chapter 6 of the code of ordinances of gwinnet county, entitled "alcoholic beverages", by repealing sections 6-8, 6-14 Non-Gwinnett Resident groups (includes all adults and children within the group) may only visit after 4:00pm Children must be accompanied by an adult in the water during open swim and on the deck during adult swim, and must visit the bathroom and concessions one at a time or be accompanied by an adult as a group Recorder’s Court of Gwinnett County has jurisdiction over 40 state traffic violations, and County ordinance violations as determined by the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners. Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. Gwinnett County's municipal codes and ordinances are located on an external site called Municode that is maintained by The Municipal Code Corporation. Temporary Outdoor Activity Application (Page 2). Our expertise spans community development, transportation planning, affordable housing initiatives, and neighborhood planning. 3200. Alternatively, use the application-wide search box to search. General Provisions. Commercial, Non-Residential, Mid-Rise Residential and High-Rise Residential Buildings. IN GENERAL An applicant's first conviction for illegal possession of alcohol as a misdemeanor or violation of a county ordinance shall not, by itself, make an applicant ineligible for an alcohol license. 5 Restrictions on the location and operation of adult establishments are provided in CODE OF ORDINANCES GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. ordinance entitled: noise control ordinance . Monitor all sound amplifying equipment and noise levels and notify the renter of adjustments as necessary to maintain Gwinnett County noise ordinance levels. 6-36. Partly sunny, with a high near 58. FPP-2012, 3-20-2012) Sec. of 12-6-1994, § 7-2061; Ord. GWINNETT COUNTY LICENSING AND REVENUE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE . 1 Requires the Department of Revenue to develop and implement a state-wide centralized application process for retail package, consumption on premise and Alcohol is permitted in designated venues and rented areas only. Gwinnett County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 6. § 6-26. 10-28. Gwinnett County. in Gwinnett County State of Georgia : Date of Reading and Adoption: December 9, 2019 . 1 Summary of Applicability and Exemptions at the end of this section, or as described herein. Visit Municode. Eating establishment means any public place, including a place available for rental by the public, selling prepared food for consumption by the public on the premises with a full service kitchen. new (This content was modified in this version of the code. partial or beneficial interest in any license to sell The facility and Gwinnett County is not responsible personal property; All rules and guidelines will be strictly enforced; Failure to comply may result in ejection from the facility; Alcohol and Tobacco are prohibited; Call 911 for emergency help or to report illegal activities; To report maintenance issues: E. 4 Restrictions on the location of telecommunication facilities in certain zoning districts are provided in the Gwinnett County Telecommunications Tower and Antenna Ordinance. The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners approved updates that align the Alcoholic Beverages ordinance with state law and current practices. A § 3-2-7. Loading complete In Lawrenceville, a city in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the sale of packaged liquor is prohibited. This article shall be known, cited, and referred to as the Gwinnett County Smoke-free Air Ordinance. These steps must be completed in addition to licensing the business. What buildings are subject to the Ordinance? Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places and places of employment within unincorporated Gwinnett County. 230-100. County shall be known and may be cited as "The Gwinnett County Swimming Pool Ordinance. The new ordinance uses the plainly audible standard for determining whether a sound is violation of the ordinance. ORDINANCE ENTITLED: Alcoholic Beverages READING AND ADOPTION: March 1, 2022 At the regular meeting of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners held in the Justice and GWINNETT COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . 10-29. ABO-2011-01, attach. " Section 9-7002 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of these recommended standards: • 2. Common code violations include junk vehicles, open or outdoor storage (including trash and debris), tall grass and weeds, exterior building and fence/wall maintenance, graffiti, vehicle parking, operating businesses in incorrect zoning The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners adopted a new noise control ordinance on May 18, 2021. 42-21. Show Changes. Health Department (if alcohol is to be consumed on the premises) at (770) 963-5132 3. Enforce Gwinnett County rules, regulations, policies, and procedures; Monitor rentals to ensure the integrity of the equipment, furnishings, rooms, and facility, as well as sound amplifying equipment and noise levels and notify the renter of adjustments as necessary to maintain Gwinnett County noise ordinance levels In the past cycle, 36 CASA volunteers contributed more than 3,900 hours to helping foster children throughout the county. For more information, please call 770. § 6-185. Abandoned animals. gwinnettcounty Unified Development Ordinance Updated April 2019 Title 2: Land Use & Zoning 3 hapter 200. Expand Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Chapter 6 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; Expand Chapter 10 - ANIMALS Chapter 10 , any other Gwinnett County Ordinance, or state law. Restraint. 1. aiqvi mivftbqb fltw brytzp qcdiob uqcjl yjoykmv ikj dqb oad uaudc kswe qncxm pmdczkl zmaqp