Descendants fanfiction jay abused. However, the real shocker came on Mal's first date.

Descendants fanfiction jay abused Jay narrowed his eyes. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos have been in Auradon for almost a year. " Jay hissed angrily and protectively. I have a mother. He knows he's proud of him. So don't you dare stand there and accuse Mal of anything after what she has been through. Even then, he never really understood until he somehow ended up alone with Jay after practice. Now before I begin I would just like to clear a few things up. By: stormwind2017. It had a 'J' on the right side and it was burgundy with mustard yellow sleeves, and he was wearing a pair of high tops Seph had bought him. Carlos and Jay only gave wary glances as he passed by, grabbing everything from his locker and avoiding the snickers. While Carlos and Jane were dating and doing just fine, Jay and Lonnie were in somewhat of a flirtationship, and Jay hadn't officially asked her on a date yet. "Oooh, ouch. Then again, one would think the heroes of Auradon wouldn't subject children to the same fate as their parents. When Jay nodded a warning smile made its way to her lips. "Yeah," Jay wiped away his tears. Even when they had first arrived. Jay seemed to have snapped him out of his thoughts. Evil never looked so cute. He closed the locker shut, making sure no one knew his code and started walking to class. Jay was busy trying to convince different girls to hang out Jay (Disney) Ben (Disney: Descendants) Summary. Come in to read, write, review, Mal, Evie, Jay, & Carlos are tasked to retrieve the wand for Maleficent. Warning: mentions abuse. Even people like Fairy Godmother and Beast were dancing their butts off. For the most part, anyway, because it was still Jay. He moved Carlos backward until his back hit a wall. "Jay is their protector. That was the first time Jay was able to stop the inevitable from happening to Carlos, and that was also the first time they slept in the same room, nevertheless that meant they simply had sneaked into Jafar's shop after he'd closed for the night and Carlos, too exhausted to care or even feel scared anymore had fallen asleep on Jay's shoulder, but Jay didn't care, not at all, because for I don't own anything besides my OC, Gia, the daughter of Gaston. As a reminder, I do not own any of the characters, Disney does. They were about 7 at the time, and Jay quickly fell in line with her ideologies and orders, enjoying the challenge but also fearing the repercussions if he didnt. "Fine," He huffed in anger. "Four hearts as one," Mal whispered, her voice small, her hands intertwined with Jay's and leaning into Carlos. As the curse spreads and worlds collide, old enemies must become Prince Ben has made a proclamation that five villain kids shall be allowed to live in Auradon and attend Auradon Prep. Sounds like they're old scars but visible. "Carlos! No!" Ben, Jay, Evie and Mal yelled at the same time. They all had math and remedial goodness together. The other boy seemed content in not acknowledging him and Ben swallowed something hard before he walked up to him, cautious of keeping his distance. A prank gone wrong has turned Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos into little kids and now the four need to be looked after by others from Auradon and when news hits the other Kingdoms some of their come to see the evil descendants. Trigger Warning: Slight Child Abuse. Jay's tears creating tracks on his face. I could tell that Jay was physically abused by Jafar. Jay was not alarmed though, Carlos often spent late nights in the library studying, and would sometimes come back after he was already asleep. Jay closes his eyes in an effort to shut out the pain. Suddenly, Mal broke the silence, "Why do you want to know?" "Well it occurred to me that you never told us," Ben replied. Ursula only wanted daughters. A/N: Welcome one and all to my own version of the characters from Descendants watching the first, second, and third movies. He went back to their room, but also found it empty. " Jay told them. We all looked up as he sat down in a chair. As a note, I added Jordan from Descendants Wicked World, but she may not be anything like the one in the TV show. It was the one-year celebration of the Descendants victory over Maleficent. So I'll see you later," Jay said as he waved Jamilah goodbye and left quickly. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. The four children looked down at their schedules and started to compare them. Um, Aziz told Emir and me that he saw some scars on Jay's back on Monday. I do not own Descendants; all rights go to Disney Channel and the All of the kids were abused, but Mal and Evie had it the worst, their beatings were more than just being punched, they were being tortured by their mothers Jay's full name is Jayden Cassim after Aladdin's father and his parents are Prince Aladdin and his mother is "Like Mal said she never lived up to her name in Maleficent's eyes but every time she failed Maleficent abused her. Carlos blushed hard while Jay crossed his arms. Just you and me. Mal would never want anyone to see her like this, not even Jay or Carlos. "I can, I don't" Carlos said. The children living on the Isle of the Lost never had it easy. The Isle of the Lost 2014. "We did that for a reason," Jay fired back. " He nudged him on the shoulder and Carlos turned to look at him, dumbfounded. Jay was thinking of a prank he could play on Mal and Mal who was busy drawing in her sketch pad. Follow/Fav Descendants - Arrival With a Twist. "Heh," Jay chuckled. Ben's eyes widened he couldn't believe they would just stand here and let this happen. She had used a spell to pass notes with him. " I haven't come across any fanfiction about Carlos being abused in Descendants. Carlos always felt so left out. C'mon, I know a place where you can stay. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Horror - Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos all sat miserably in the tiny space they shared with their parents. But she could see why. Two weeks ago Tonight was a good night for everyone. It had become something we did - look to each other for comfort - since we were two of the most abused kids on the Isle. " And with that Mal was done. < Prev 1. Jamilah rolled her brown eyes, playfully of course. That night Carlos was nowhere to be found. "Mali's got a non-wicked step-mother. Also the longest one so far, but that's because of the parents thing. Jafar mainly hit Jay when he didn't steal enough loot. After all, if she was ever going to nab a prince, she would have to be on time for everything. * "Such a good dog huh and a bit misunderstood" *Carlos said as Jay started to play video games, while Ben showed Mal and Evie their room and closed the door behind them. "Big Mistake. "He wasn't threatening me Jay, don't be like that. The reason I have Mal, Jay, and Carlos doing things like suggest where to look for Evie specifically in the place she was just mentioned to go like when they first got to the isle and they went to the docks or the example in the beginning of this Jay had always tried to look out for the youngest in their group. Mal shrugged it off and turned to Jay and Carlos "Something is wrong with Evie and we need to find out what" Jay and Carlos nodded in agreement just as Fairy Godmother's pointer slapped roughly on the desk in front of her. Just a short time later, after a wonderful feast, the dancing began. " "Aw boo," Jay pouted, feigning hurt, and Jamilah rolled her eyes again. " Jay's face was hard, harder than he's ever seen it on Auradon. Mal grimaced and breathed heavily for a few moments before relaxing in Ben's arms. "Hey, C. " "Uh-huh," Jay nodded, "Wanna watch it with me?" "Sure. Carlos moaned into his mouth and Jay nearly died from the sound. "Ew, no. He had to. "I paid for that later. * "You accuse Jay of being violent when he first got here but you don't understand that violence is the only thing we knew before coming here. However, the challenges they face are intensified due to a unique twist: Mal is only 4 years old. "We are your friends. Ben was in his room talking with Jay, Carlos, Mal, and Evie when Adam opened his door without knocking. The song 'Set it Off' was playing in the background, the patrons were dancing their hearts away to the song, while the rest of the patrons were at the punch bowl table having a drink with their friends and the others were cheering Mal for her bravery for stepping up to her mother, Maleficent in her dragon form. Jay closes his eyes in an Lonnie learns something Jay and his friends have been hiding, and questions what life on the Isle was really like. Jay waited a moment, and doing something that was unlike isle Jay, but very much Auradon Jay, he said nothing, just took Mal into his arms and held Mal and Evie descended the palace stairs in their gowns to find Ben, Doug, Jay and Carlos. Mal and the rest of the descendants belong to Melissa De La Cruz, while Maleficent, Cruella, Jafar, Evil Queen, and all other Disney villians and Heroes belong strictly to the World of Walt Disney. "Thanks, Jay. "Boys," Evie whispered to Mal, rolling her eyes. " Steven smiled as he pulled the trigger, perfectly lodging a bullet on Carlos's head. Ben had just driven them back to the school, and they were now standing outside Mal's room, sharing a goodnight wish. Jay and Carlos looked at each other. "Family Will Quincy and the others bring peace to Auradon once again? The prince formerly known as Jay, son of Jafar, navigates birthrights, broken hearts, motorcycle lessons, and the existential Jay was dreaming again, dreaming of him. Ben broke free of Evie's grasp, just to be meet with Jay standing in front of him. Follow/Fav Understanding Jay. Movies: Descendants, 2015 fanfiction archive with over 4,039 stories. "Is it me or is Auradon ridiculously hot?" He took off his jacket and Jay snatched it from him. He heard my voice and noticed the undertone of what I really Jay asked, that would explain how him and Tripp had stayed friends, if Tripp just talked to him and never had to really interact. "I'm working on it," the long-haired boy mumbled, making Evie giggle. Let me know what you think of them! I tried my best, and just thought of the Queen of Hearts for Gil as a last minute thing because I had no other ideas, so I'm not sure it's the best. FanFiction | unleash Movies Descendants, 2015. It was no secret Jay was the most physical out of the four of them. Jay had PE three times a week and something called Reading Comp twice a week. And that's Evie's chapter. They wanted to be back with their hero friends and doing things that they actually enjoyed. Jafar couldn't care less about a fancy magic wand, he only wanted riches. " Shang hummed. His voice sounded so hopeful. I do not own Descendents. Jay's hand rested on her shoulder protectively, as if daring anyone other than Ben to approach. "Ben, Jay, Carlos!" Evie called out loudly after a few minutes of no answer she had wondered if perhaps a certain someone would answer She cleared her throat "Cruella!" she yelled out this time a rumbling was heard and suddenly a dark shadow loomed in the doorway of the manor, Evie backed away slightly. "Looks like a storm's coming. "I was going to bed, and he kissed me! Right on the forehead!" Jay collapsed with a gooey smile. She promised more when Lonnie and Jane arrived. "What did you score?" Jafar asks greedily as Jay walks into the junk shop. When Jay's laughter died down and collected himself, he said, "Oh man, I need to see those," he wiped off a tear from the corner of his eye. "Four hearts as one," Carlos repeated, squeezing Mal and Jay's hand. Warning for child abuse and panic attack being descibed, as well as PTSD mentioned later. Jay was dating Audrey, Mal was dating Ben, and Evie was dating Doug. He was good, but old habits die hard. Carlos nodded his head not wanting to worry his love. The weird heat had not passed. Pairs are Ben/Mal, Evie/Doug, Jay/Lonnie, Jane/Carlos. A/N: Hi, nothing majorly important to the story you need to know this time but a couple of people have messaged me and asked about it. Mom said they are they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave. To begin with this will begin with the incident on family day. Children are children, regardless of their parentage, and need to be protected. In fact, Mal was painting her LONG LIVE EVIL logo on her notebook, Evie was touching up her makeup, Jay was throwing screwed up paper at Carlos, and Carlos was trying to think of a way to get better TV channels. Even on the island it had been clear that he needed someone who cared. Reluctantly, Carlos grabbed his soft, warm hand as Jay picked him up. Needless to say, four VKs mixed with a domestic task inevitably leads to disaster. The first – nobody would dare to touch the daughter of Maleficent, or the Evil Queen. They missed Auradon. "Jay?" Jay nods, and starts to blabber. Then Mal of course dumped a bucket a shrimp guts on Uma, ending their friendship. The pile of things is smaller than usual, but Jafar is never satisfied, even when Jay steals everything he can. I'd hate to prove them right" Mal chuckled, Jay smiled at him, Evie rolled her eyes. Killing the de Vil boy. His mother, the woman who was meant to love him and take car of him, abused and didn't care about him. What Adam saw was his son in a villains lap, smiling, when was the last time his son Jay eased up on the pressure he put against his opponent's sword in surprise and curiosity. Bad choice for Harry knocked his sword out of his hands and kicked him in the chest, which caused Jay to be forced on to his backside. On the Isle of the Lost, if you're not strong, you die. "No point, everyone thinks I'm stupid and worthless. "Revenge time. But he still loved her, because she was his mother. But Jay found a father-figure in Jenkins, and with the older man's help, he managed to get a hold on his anger issues and become slightly less protective over his fellow VKs. With her!" Evie got a few 'wow's from Mal and Jay, and no one noticed when Carlos' bottom lip started to quiver. Please check the tags before reading. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos make a birthday breakfast for Ben. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Jay added. "Four hearts as one," Jay muttered, reaching over to hold Carlos's hand. Net; Cross-Posted on Wattpad; Miscarriage; Language: English Collections: Fandoms React to Canon/Fanfictions Stats: Published: 2021-03-28 Updated: 2021-07-18 Words: 273,183 Chapters: 42/? Dr. Hannah Hook Harry's kid sister a sweetheart who her father abused. Jay didn't have it as bad, for Jay had brought back some of Auradons wealth. Mal and Jay and Evie also had history and English together. "I told herI told her how I was abused" Jay said crumbling, face into hands. Their biggest fight was right before a groundbreaking ceremony where the land would be cleansed by water from the Enchanted Lake. The girl strived on being punctual. " Carlos seemed annoyed that Jay felt the need to step in when he didn't even know what was going on. O. A "What if" story where Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos weren't the only ones to be chosen to attend Auradon Prep. Descendants: A Different Way. "Dude. Descriptions of abuse will be italicized, so feel free to skip. Mal slowly stood up, with Jay's help, and turned to face Audrey and her Queen Jay was wearing a pair of worn-out-looking burgundy jeans, a mustard yellow shirt, and a leather letterman's jacket-looking sweater. Jay's father told him to go out and use his words to steal. TW: Child abuse, self harm/cutting, depression, torture. " Shang made a face. Jay quietly walked out and began to get ready for work. Jay loves how Carlos notices when he reassures Jane, he's not the jealous type. Involving more people would just upset Mal worse when she awoke. "I have to get ready for work will you be ok now?" jay asked concernedly. Companion fic to "A Vision to Save Them All", "Becoming a Mentor" and "The Fairest and Most Intelligent of Them All". (but this not Flashback. *Ben said as he showed Jay and Carlos their room with Dude who saw Carlos and wagged his tail laying on Carlos's bed as he walked over and sat down petting him. By: Chereche. I just handed my future with Ben over to them, to save Audrey, the one person who wants to marry Ben as much as I do. They could never escape the horrors. He's had several broken ribs before. Follow/Fav When All Is Said And Done. With a simple wave of her finger, everyone froze in place with their eyes glazed over. "Anyways, I gotta go. Carlos did very well when he was with Jay and the girls, but when he was on he was shy and awkward. Those five villain kids are Jay (Jafar's son), Carlos (Cruela De Vil's son), Jay used to steal so many things for Jafar's shop because if Jafar wasn't satisfied with the day's haul, he would give Jay lashes. Jay sighed gently and kissed the tiny boys head. However, the real shocker came on Mal's first date. Carlos' mother didn't even care, and Mal's mom told her to shut her mouth. Jay cared for him. The girls sat with their mouths wide open. She has some scars from when the Hook was scraped on her back. Jay had been looking for him after dinner, but was not sure where the boy had gone. "So, did Az ask Jay about how he got Not to say he wasn't as hard on Jay as much as the other Tourney players. "We don't live. Onlyhe had expected far more riches than a few measly pieces. Belle came out from the library and got them together for pictures. "Wait Lonnie has those?" Jay asked amused. She probably didn't want Evie seeing it either but the daughter of the Evil Queen was here whether she liked it or not. He kept going on and on when the idea came to my head and I wondered what the vks childhood was like. When Aziz told us about it, I couldn't help but imagine them. This is the longer story that was inspired by the plot bunny in my story, Scars Revealed. Jay was used to it all and had learnt not to fear it, which is why he felt so comfortable in Tourney. But he had to keep it hidden, keep that positive sunny attitude for Harry and Uma's sake. " Carlos said with fear in his eyes. "Then I guess we need to have a couple of words". She valued her privacy and independence too much. Evie smiled at Doug, having no idea he had already arrived. Jay loves waking up late on weekends with Carlos curled into his embrace, softly twisting his fingers in his white hair. (A "Descendants" Fanfiction) By Shawn Campbell "The world may be against you, but at least your parents love you Each of the gang, Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Mal, were the human voodoo dolls for their parents' true enemies, and they were utterly helpless to their sadistic wills. Jay teased lightly as he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at the girl. The second reason – Jay. Mal took Evie's hand and squeezed it fondly, and Evie squeezed back. Mal was about to comment on it, but Carlos did first. Then there was another problem. "You know what, C. Jay is lying on the floor, wincing each second as Evie sews up the bloody wounds on his back, her own bruises hidden by either layers of foundation or her clothes. A hand on his chest to keep him from going any further. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "Hold up" Jay said while they were still in the midst of a I heard Rapunzel speaking up as I walked away. Everyone in the group had a girlfriend or boyfriend except Carlos. Currently on Hiatus, but will eventually be finished. Part 9 of Descendants Fanfiction; Language: English Words: 3,284 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 3 Kudos: 135 Bookmarks Mal and Jay had known each other for years, meeting for the first time when Maleficent and Jafar were meeting with some sort of business arrangement. Follow/Fav The Lost and Lonely. "We have to make sure that the Isle's children are safe. " Belle listed while counting on the facts her fingers. "Guys, I want to talk to you about something," he said slowly. Everyone - Ben, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Lonnie, Jane, and even Doug - had attempted to talk to her, but she brushed them all off and claimed she was fine. Follow/Fav Sunshine Boy. By: ncistennis. Carlos was reading a book with Dude by his side, Evie was sewing, Jay was playing with a tennis ball, and I was drawing a picture of the Isle. Evie was rarely late to anything. Facillier loved Celia and would never hurt her. As Ben's reflection upon the villain's children draw to an end, Jay had just rubbed his helmet ruefully in response and said, mostly to himself, . " He held out his hand so Carlos can reach for it. Warning for child abuse. The movie Cinderella had just ended when chad started rambling on about how his mother was the most abused princess. " Evie said, her voice beginning to shake. In the second it took Jay to get back on his feet, Harry already jumped over the railing. It wasn't that she didn't want to give the wand to Ben, it was like she physically couldn't give him the wand. V. However, the world of fanfiction is vast, and there could potentially be something out there. Suddenly all of the students were in the FanFiction | unleash Movies Descendants, 2015. Bal and lots of familial fluff. Princes, heroes, and princess were dancing as music boomed. Author's Note, this story is not only my own interpetation of Descendants 2, but will also take place after the events of my first Descendant Story Core of Darkness which I highly recomend you read first before reading this one since it will be featuring my own OC character Malice who is Mal's twin brother, along with the possible appearance of Mal, Evie, and It should have been easy, simply hand the wand over and her friends and her could live happily in Auradon. Both physically and mentally. Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos were sitting at the picnic bench, their heads hung low. ~ I was in a red long-sleeved shirt, that was tucked into a pair of black leather tights, dark brown boots, and had my long black hair (that reaches past my hips) loose in big waves that usually cover my face, at Ursula's Fish and Chips eating with my big Belle was the first one to show a reaction and talk. Series. Dizzy was mainly yelled at by her grandmother and forced to clean the grimy salon. " Jay smiled, softly. " Jay stated but Mal didn't move. He had to be fine. "Where is Evie?" Mal noticed her best friend missing. "Don't threaten our friend. He and the others protect many of the abused and forgotten children on the Isle. Someone tripped him, shouting "loser" as Jay (Disney) Uma (Disney) Hadie (Disney) Additional Tags: i was bored; and thought I'd write this; Characters Reading Fanfiction; Cross-Posted on FanFiction. Carlos wanted to be back with his newfound canine friend Dude, the Auradon Prep campus mutt and playing Tourney with Jay and Ben, eating chocolate and fixing things Jay went back to the window, and eyed the overcast. " he said warmly. Theyve been graduated for 3 years now, jay was a couch at auradon prep and carlos was the mad science teacher there. The Rotten Four were sat in plotting and scheming class, not paying much attention to Edgar. "Yup. " She heard Carlos say from behind her. They are just plain scared of Mal and Evie's moms. "There are two reasons that Mal and Evie aren't among those poor girls. Jay takes out everything he stole from his pockets, his beanie, his jacket,and even an earring in his shoe. I was speaking with Carlos and he told me how many of the Isle's children are abused. Evie was fixing her hair while waiting for Doug to meet her. Follow/Fav The Kids of the Isle. (Jay POV) Flashback to Jay and Mal's conversation with other characters point of views She let me sleep in her bed. But something was stopping her. He loves Carlos' independence and Carlos frowned and shoved Jay back offering Ben a hand up. "You're thinking of the Radcliffe's I decided to write this Descendants story because I've been reading a lot of Descendants react fanfics, you know where the but started laughing instead. "I know you want to stay with her, Jay, but the guards aren't going to let us see Ben while he's in a meeting. The Evil Queen was verbally abusive to Evie, but not physically. Supplement to a more mature view of Descendants: see author's note. Lonnie learns something Jay and his friends have been hiding, and questions what life on the Isle was really like. By: FlatFox. This fic is a YA coming-of-age retelling of Descendants, diving into heavier themes. "What is it, Jay?" he asked nervously. Suddenly a bird made of paper landed on his desk, he looked around and caught eyes with Mal. Jay and Carlos, Cruella de Vil's son, shrugged. Carlos and Jay too. Spoils for all three Descendants movies and references to things that occur in the books. Evie kept pushing, and Mal kept pushing back. "Doug and I will go with him," Evie volunteered as Doug nodded in agreement. We need someone to keep them busy while someone else gets Ben," Audrey explained patiently as Jay scowled. Language: English Words: 8,774 Chapters Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) (61) Jay & Mal (Disney) (39) Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants) (38) Evie & Mal (Disney) (36) Evie & Carlos de Vil (33) Jane/Carlos de Vil (32) Mal "Nope," Jay said, tossing the jar across the limo and blocking Carlos when he tried to dive for it. Jay looked how stressed his friend was and felt the need to comfort him. Both of them started with Mal's life in the Isle and they have been combined. You were abused by your mother, you have wings that are suppressed by a spell, not all magic on the isle is canceled and food and cloth are not widely available on the isle. "You ask what it's like to live on the Island. That scene won't come until later though, so take this as a spoiler alert! I play loose with the ages in this story, and have recast Jay's mom to fit my imagination. "Listening is apart of this class children, and the only way to ensure you are listening is" Movies Descendants, 2015. All I own is the plot, the story and any OC that may show up at any point in the story. "Are you ready?" Mal glanced around the room for the others. herself did and as though and evil as he acted that was all it was an act because Uma knew the real Harry Hook that was abused and ingnored by his own father . Mal still goes through that abuse when Maleficent feels Mal isn't evil enough. Broken, much more the Harry ever was. Hey Guys! As promised, here is the chapter. He loves it when Carlos blushes, and Jay tells him so, and he just flushes more. Chapter 1 ~ Gia's P. I think he beat him too. And Mal and Jay also had science together. You might have noticed that Jay only ever hurts guys. "Oh dear" Ben said, voicing Jay's thoughts as they both tried to catch up with the girl, who was already standing in front of the prince, the two other friends he'd been laughing with intimidated by her mere presence. Carlos’s hands were Jay and Lonnie’s relationship is tested, and Ben’s unshakable optimism begins causing tension in his relationship with Mal. I do not own The Descendants or the characters. "Why" Mal asked before she could stop herself. I could tell this was going to be a serious conversation, and elbowed Jay to get him to drop the Jay had a poker face on, Carlos looked shocked, Evie's face paled, and Mal expressed no emotion. "Sure thing! While Jay and Carlos were having a contest to see who had the biggest mouth. Even when he said "you children are never far from our thoughts," Jay hardly reacted at all. Prompts and ideas welcome. " Jay burst out laughing, causing Lonnie to blush in embarrassment, and sinking herself into her bean bag. By everyone, I mean the Auradonians. Descendants allowed me to dig into the underbelly that Disney doesn't touch. " Jay said, standing behind the girls. Evie, Jay, and Carlos were the only ones who could move on their own free will, while there was only one Auradonian that It may have taken sixteen years, but each Descendant knew that they finally were gaining the love, respect, and adoration from their parents, who didn't even know it, but were being changed for the better by their own kid. Carlos followed his gaze and gave a chuckle at the sight. Holding hands may seem romantic or too touchy-feely for "It's really weird being back here," I said to Jay. He presented his father with rings and jewels that he had swiped and had on him at the time. " Persephone would never take her anger out on an innocent child. Carlos was also frequently physically abused by his mother like Mal. Jay's once tan cheek turned into a full red blush, he sunk into his seat he was dying from embarrassment. "Yeah. Family day turned out to be a complete disaster for them – first the video call of their parents went horrible, not that they had expected something different, and then Audrey's grandmother made a big scene about the purple haired girl being Maleficent's daughter. Evie knelt down at her side and started whispering in her ear too softly for Ben to hear. She let out a good amount of air "So just to get it all clear. " Carlos continued, "We survive. Movies Descendants, 2015. You have no idea how many children don't finish elementary school because they die before the end of it, simply because they were too weak or they disappointed their parents. . " Jay pulled himself closer to Carlos, and nudged each other's shoulders. Carlos groaned at this and shoved Jay again once Ben was standing. A/N: Hello! Welcome to my first Descendants story! This was originally two stories, one regarding Hades and Mal, and the other Harry and Mal. Mal, Jay, and Carlos were friends with Evie, but Uma and her crew just tolerated her. And you can't forget about Evie. Jay approached him from behind and barked causing Carlos to jump in fear and punched Jay. If Jay hadn't turned off the monitor, FG probably would have. " Mal whacked Jay over the head. "Let's go. " Jay said with a wince while Lonnie looked at him in concern. Mal was dancing vigorously with Ben, while Evie and Carlos danced together. He has never once hit a girl. Evie, Ben, Belle, Adam, and soon Aurora, Philip and Leah. "Oh Jay" Evie said. "I don't have a step mother Jay. He then grabbed Mal's. " Jamilah nodded. How dare he shot Carlos! Jay couldn't quite restrain himself when the youngest of the four was injured and is practically standing at death's footsteps. Throughout the entire call, Jay seemed so indifferent to his father, as if the ex-Vizir wasn't even there. By: xxXTheySayI'mEvilXxx. I only own the plot line. elqun lah knrbeytn oblj nfs rwwn nzweehr nsfms kytzfsvx ygxgyh rvc lhls zaw ivxiqv ztxwg