Baltimore county zoning map. Start a map with this data.
Baltimore county zoning map A. Baltimore County Department of Planning Official Zoning Map Scale 1" = 200' ¹ Data Sources: Buildings/Streams/Roads - Baltimore County OIT/GIS Services Unit The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Zoning - Baltimore County Dept of Planning 1:2400, October 30, 2020 Legend Zoning Buildings Streams Roads Rail Lines K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKK K K K Vegetation Plan Sheet: 110B1 110C1 2028 COMPREHENSIVE ZONING MAP PROCESS (CZMP) The 2028 CZMP will begin on September 1, 2027 and conclude by September 16, 2028. RECLASSIFICATION HAS THE FORCE OF LAW. Baltimore County 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Log of Issues August 26, 2020 Issue Number 1-004 Petitioner Muhammad Ali Location 1528 Rolling Road Existing Zoning Requested Zoning Final Staff Planning Board County Council and Acres and Acres Recommendations Recommendations Decision DR 3. Baltimore County, Maryland. Council Districts. . Add RSS (guide) to an aggregator such as Inoreader or Feedly and see daily changes to this site's content. When dealing with Baltimore County Zoning permits for waterfront construction, the mean low tide elevation is 0. 82 11. 79 11. E. This is done by the Baltimore County Council, in conjunction with The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Zoning - Baltimore County Dept of Planning 1:2400, October 30, 2020 Legend Zoning Buildings Streams Roads Rail Lines K K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKK K K K Vegetation Plan Sheet: 110B3 110C3 Zoning Information 08/27/2020 Issue Number: Application Information Agency Comments by Issue Baltimore County 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process CZMP20-00159 Stonehenge, LLC C/O Kimco Realty Corporation 11317 York Road County Council Decision Requested Zoning & Acres Existing Zoning & Acres Agency Comments Final Staff Recommendations Baltimore County Many maps are scaled 1 inch to the mile, and compiled from USGS quadrangle maps published at intervals of 10 years or so from about 1900 to 1990. Every four years, Baltimore County residents may review the zoning classifications of any property in the county Warranty and Disclaimer. Some elementary students in central Baltimore County will attend different schools next year, according to a new enrollment zone map adopted by the county school board Tuesday night. (2) Subject to the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, the Board of Appeals shall have original jurisdiction for the The Zoning Map for the City of Baltimore County Unincorporated in MD divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. 5 Units/Acre Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single Family, Semi-Detached, Duplex Dwellings. Look online via Survey Control, or fax/email a map showing your site to surveycontrol@baltimorecountymd. REZONING PROCESSES. ENFORCEMENT § 32-3-601. My Neighborhood does not require specialized mapping software. Use the My Neighborhood interactive mapping application to select, view and print predefined maps and reports about Baltimore County, such as police precincts, enterprise zones or Use My Neighborhood to find zoning classifications, view prior zoning cases and access other land use data. of the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations so that it supersedes and abrogates the rights to the vesting of a development that would otherwise accrue from after completely reviewing the zoning map then in effect, shall recommend to the County Council a new or comprehensively § 32-3-106. 2. europa. The new maps—also known as Digital Flood Stay up to date on changes to the search catalog through the available feeds. System Boundary Maps (School Year 2024-2025) Elementary Schools; Middle Schools; High Schools; Other Schools (Special Education, Centers, Programs) Facilities Location Grid Map (School Year 2024-2025) Grid Map; Grid Map with BCPS Planning Areas; Grid Map with Baltimore County Council Districts; Grid Map with Congressional Districts Since 2004, Baltimore County’s official zoning map is in the form of an electronic geodatabase. ” In certain areas, one of the eight kinds of “districts” may be superimposed onto part of a zone to provide additional detailed regulation. ZONING . Baltimore County 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process CZMP20-00162 Kimco Realty Corporation 7912-7920, 7932-7938, 7954-7972 Belair Road County Council Decision Requested Zoning & Acres Existing Zoning & Acres BM CCC 11. Complex zoning change request. Baltimore County Council. The county is divided among the 37 different kinds of “zones. There a general types of zones such as rural, density residential, office, business, industrial and mixed use. Get Planning and Zoning records in Baltimore MD and find the property data, zoning maps, and zoning reports you need. Baltimore County: Code of Ordinances: Article 32. Create a Story. Requested Zoning and Acres County Council Decision Final Staff Recommendations Planning Board Recommendations Existing Zoning and Acres DR 3. 81 BM 5. View API Resources. PLANNING, ZONING, AND SUBDIVISION CONTROL: Title 3. 81 Floodplain inquiries are handled by the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPWT), which coordinates mapping with the Federal Emergency Management Agency a multi-year project to reexamine Baltimore County’s flood zones and develop detailed, digital flood hazard maps has been completed. (2) Subject to the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, the Board of Appeals shall have original jurisdiction for the The Baltimore County Council voted on August 27 on the final zoning decisions for each rezoning issue. 5 Zone Description: Density Residential; 3. Those decisions are now available on the logs below under the "County Council Decision" column. How and when did it come about? The official Zoning Map of Baltimore County, hereby adopted as part of these regulations, is the existing map in the office of the Zoning Commissioner of Baltimore County on which are designated the zones and zone boundaries adopted on January 2, 1945 [2], together with all amendments thereto and the changes in zone designations set forth in The Zoning Map for the City of Baltimore in MD divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. The CZMP is the quadrennial process through which Baltimore County redraws its zoning maps. Prior to filing your application online you should review the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations and meet with the Baltimore County Zoning Review Office to review which zone is best for your request: Phone 410-887-3391; The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Zoning - Baltimore County Dept of Planning 1:2400, October 30, 2020 Legend Zoning Buildings Streams Roads Rail Lines K K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKK K K K Vegetation Plan Sheet: 112A3 112B3 After a year of hearings, many hours of staff and citizens’ time, and likely tens of thousands of dollars spent on attorneys’ fees, the Baltimore County Council completed work on its Comprehensive Zoning Map Process when Chairman Izzy Patoka struck the gavel around 10 p. IN GENERAL SUSPENSION OF PETITION DURING PREPARATION OR REVISION OF ZONING MAP. - ZONING COMMISSIONER - DOCKET. (4) Z – R. Zoning maps sent to County Council; identify changes. Phone: 410-887-3196 Fax: 410-887-5791 E-mail: countycouncil@baltimorecountymd. Bill 8-25 CEB – State and Local Baltimore County 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process CZMP20-00284 County Council 13801 York Road County Council Decision Requested Zoning & Acres Existing Zoning & Acres Agency Comments Final Staff Recommendations Planning Board Recommendations Justification To be explained at filing. Tax maps, zoning maps; Water supply, Baltimore City and County, part of Carroll County . The County redraws its zoning maps every four years through the CZMP. Stay up to date on changes to the search catalog through the available feeds. Use the OGC API - Records to discover geospatial resources through At each in-person hearing, the County Council will take testimony on the recommended Comprehensive Zoning Map for the particular Councilmanic District referred to in the above schedule and on the Log of Issues of the Planning Board. Open in ArcGIS StoryMaps. Use the maps below or the My Neighborhood Interactive Map to determine what properties are within Baltimore County Enterprise Zones. 81 5. Skip Navigation This member's profile information is private. § 32-3-106. Baltimore City (South) Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone (EST) State: Maryland: Coordinates: 39. The user or recipient of this data understands and acknowledges this data may be inaccurate or contain errors or omissions and the user or recipient assumes full responsibility for any risks or damages resulting from, arising from or in Stay up to date on changes to the search catalog through the available feeds. on the date of the hearing and may register in person beginning Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. Most Popular Services 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map The County’s official zoning map is adopted by the Baltimore County Council. Every four years, the Baltimore County Council, in conjunction with the Planning Board, the Department of Planning, property owners and developers within the county undertake a comprehensive review of the county’s zoning maps. Existing Zoning Maps County Council Final Decision Maps —Councilmanic District 5, Issues 1-001 through 1-100. 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Maps and Publications Community Planning Land Preservation Development and Land Use Historic Preservation School Impact Analysis Draft Regulation—The Baltimore County Department of Planning will hold two public hearings, Zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2016 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes. Zoning Review does not confirm zoning classification via phone or email. Get Planning and Zoning records in Baltimore County Unincorporated MD and find the property data, zoning maps, and zoning reports you need. 0 feet as referred to in the old Baltimore County Datum elevation system. Bill 33-24 County Charter – Baltimore County Planning Board – Confirmation of Appointees by County Council. The interactive map allows users to search for properties, view the zoning, view aerial photography, create custom printable maps and obtain owner information. Open All. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. FIND AN EXISTING COUNTY CONTROL NEAR YOU. Map Name: Basic Services Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Baltimore County Zoning Report Zoning Information for DR 3. § 32-3-517. 79 BM CCC 11. Persons desiring to speak may register online from 9 a. View more detailed maps below. It takes place every four years on an exact schedule specified in the Baltimore County Code. b. 5 5. This process is apparently unique, not just in Maryland, but across the country. The user or recipient of this data understands and acknowledges this data may be inaccurate or contain errors or omissions and the user or recipient assumes full responsibility for any risks or damages resulting from, arising from or in connection with any View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Explorer View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Service Description: The Basic Services Map is a program under the authority of the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations and is updated annually. 79 Agency: DPW Sewer Deficient: The zoning change is in an area . District 1; District 2; Baltimore County's Department of Planning has launched a new interactive web dashboard displaying zoning issues raised during the 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP), making the process more accessible to county residents. Zoneomics provides the most comprehensive real estate zoning information available through Join the Baltimore County Planning Board for the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Planning Board hearings. The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Baltimore County Board of Appeals actions through October 30, Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. Attribution is required. 1 Zone – Location Requirement Relative to Business Zones. SubTitle 6. The My Neighborhood map depicts zoning, historic districts, bikeways, commercial revitalization areas and land development for Baltimore County. Use the My Neighborhood interactive mapping application to select, view and print predefined maps and reports about Baltimore County, such as police precincts, enterprise zones or census information. m. Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) Show More Hide. Dates, Locations and Times are posted. until 2 p. Try out the API Explorer View Data Source. an act concerning zoning regulations – temporary use trailers for the purpose of permitting the temporary business use of trailers in certain areas throughout the county under certain circumstances; and generally relating to trailers. Start a map with this data. 65 DR 3. 37°N, 76. M. Agency: DPW Traffic Comment Date: 01/29/2024 The Baltimore County Master Plan; Area and special plans and other amendments to the Master Plan; The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process; Amendments to zoning and related regulations ; Functional plans, such as the Master Water and Sewerage Plan and Basic Services Maps ; Developments that conflict with the master plan or involve historic landmarks Zoning Classifications A list of the zoning classifications used in Baltimore County with short descriptions are shown below. Use the DCAT feeds to federate this site's content with external catalogs like data. Open Data Portal county council virtual sessions and hearings COUNCIL BRIEFING - DEWD - APRIL 7, 2025, 5 P. 400 Washington Avenue, Room 205 Towson, MD 21204 Second Floor. Search for: Location. The Department formulates policies, plans and regulations to guide the County’s growth and development for future generations. 3 baltimore county zoning regulations, as amended We allow you to use our Baltimore County map. Baltimore County’s Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (“CZMP”) starts August 2023. Zoning Information 08/27/2020 Issue Number: Application Information Agency Comments by Issue Baltimore County 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process CZMP20-00136 Habib Sartipy NE side of Reisterstown Road and Olive Lane County Council Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore Harbor, and Gwynns Falls and tributaries. Zoneomics provides the most comprehensive real estate zoning Search Baltimore County Unincorporated, MD zoning map for real estate investment sites, filter by specific zones or land uses and understand the feasibility of a project. Typical Uses Permitted by The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Zoning - Baltimore County Dept of Planning 1:2400, October 30, 2020 Legend Zoning Buildings Streams Roads Rail Lines K K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKK K K K Vegetation Plan Sheet: 075B1 075C1 Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. eu. by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments section 415. 47 Explore an interactive map application for Baltimore City with various GIS data and maps. SubTitle 1. Zoning for Baltimore County that includes the CZMP 2024 zoning changes. The board’s unanimous vote ended a complex redistricting process that began in September, with the goal of alleviating overcrowding in the region’s schools. The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) takes place every four years on an exact schedule specified in the County Code. . Use the OGC API - Records to discover geospatial resources through Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. 5 0. gov. There are a number of ways to rezone land in Baltimore County. The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) is one of the principle ways the official zoning map can be changed in Baltimore County. gov or data. Historic Almshouse 9811 Van Buren Lane Cockeysville, MD 21030 (410 Baltimore County 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process CZMP24-00003 Shaewn Schaeffer 9622 Harford Road County Council Decision Requested Zoning & Acres Existing Zoning near a traffic deficient shed on the current Baltimore County Basic Service Map (Transportation). gov and we Zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes. Zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes. 81 DR 3. ZONING Title 3. 79 BM AS 10. Further capacity issues may result. The Map showing location of three Enterprise Zones. A Citizen's Guide to Planning and Zoning includes an illustrated description of each of the county's zones. PRESS RELEASE - 2025 COUNCILMANIC REDISTRICTING COMMISSION REVISED PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE Warranty and Disclaimer. Select to open in a new tab Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. 81 Find the zoning of any property in New Baltimore, Michigan with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Bill 34-24 Loitering on or About Bill 3-25 Baltimore County Basic Services Mapping Standards – Transportation. 97 DR 5. Baltimore County Burb Trust Banter: The Best Reason to Support Bill 7 12: Protected Minor Sub Reports Baltimore County Open Space Protection Through an Urban Land Trust | Community Baltimore County Zoning Map tibetan The official Zoning Map of Baltimore County, hereby adopted as part of these regulations, is the existing map in the office of the Zoning Commissioner of Baltimore County on which are designated the zones and zone boundaries adopted on January 2, 1945 [2], together with all amendments thereto and the changes in zone designations set forth in Zoning for Baltimore County that includes the CZMP 2024 zoning changes. 5 Units/Acre Intent: Density Residential; 3. 81 BLR 0. My Neighborhood Interactive Mapping Application. 60°W: Etymology: Named after the Baltimore family, which was a prominent English family that founded Maryland. By downloading Baltimore County GIS data, you are agreeing with the warranty and disclaimer below. Use the OGC API - Records to discover geospatial resources through The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Baltimore County Board of Appeals actions through October 30, 2020. (1) The Director of Planning shall transmit the recommended zoning map to the County Council within 20 days after the Planning Board's vote on the recommended map. The zoning depicted in this map incorporates the actions associated with 2020 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process and Zoning - Baltimore County Dept of Planning 1:2400, October 30, 2020 Legend Zoning Buildings Streams Roads Rail Lines K K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKK K K K Vegetation Plan Sheet: 092A2 092B2 The user or recipient hereby waives the right to file suit or make demand and forever discharges and releases Baltimore County, Maryland, its agents, employees, successors and assigns from any and all loss, liability, damage, claim, cost or expense incurred as a result of, or arising out of or in connection with the use of data displayed herein or any reliance thereon, Baltimore County 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Log of Issues May 16, 2024 Issue Number 1-001 Petitioner Mark Fleschner Location 5206-5216 Wilkens and 125-439 Paradise Ave. DR 1 38. The zoning depicted in this application incorporates the actions associated with 2012 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process, zoning changes associated with an adopted Community Current zoning for Baltimore County that includes the 2024 Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) zoning changes and any zoning changes thereafter. axkbtjvpmvpijxhaghjuyrltemhgurztezajglwipocvbcdrthuzmbaygwgnkjeijzsrrhuqmr