Zinc deficiency brain fog reddit. Zinc deficiency can cause lymphopenia - https: .

Zinc deficiency brain fog reddit Nicotine depletes folic acid, B12, A, C, E, magnesium but more importantly zinc since this one is tied to brain fog and getting sick more easily. Selenium supplement . As an aside, I found ketamine to be helpful in clearing up my brain fog to a point. Depression, brain fog, irritability and anxiety after administering If you have a vitamin deficiency, definitely. You can always confirm Omega3 high EPA, magnesium bysglicinate and malate, Q10, creatine, maybe zinc bysglicinete or carnosine 8-12mg, small ocean fatty fish, greens, dark That might mean you'll need to supplement with that as well. Food low in zinc can lead to brain fog, making it difficult to focus on the task at hand. Iron, Zinc, Vit B1 and B12, Vit D3 and L-Glutamine are on my suppl regime. Anyone have any A few weeks after stopping zinc I got much better, just returned to my ADHD/concussion-baseline, if that makes sense - which doesn't include anhedonia, but still when I first started supplementing with zinc, it really improved my cognition, made me feel great, but after a while it made me feel like shit. Could certainly be a mental illness and/or a physical issue (lyme or something else). I'm not sure if I have histamine issues but I'll look out for that. Many of those symptoms sound the same as with thiamine deficiency as well and other causes than just copper deficiency. Selenium helps me in a general feeling of well being way. I don’t really feel like I have many B12 deficiency symptoms still. Iron is important for oxygen transport and energy production in the brain. No one can say if your doctor is right or wrong. One of the many symptoms is brain fog, therefore I want to raise awareness towards B12 values. Zinc isnt necessary but if you wanted to add say 15mg via a supplement you can, magnesium is more important, won't do much for your testosterone but it'll help with recovery, brain fog and sleep. There are a number of ways zinc does this, but some of these include: •prevents your brain from becoming overexcited at NMDA receptors •helps create/regulate serotonin, GABA, dopamine •increases BDNF According to Trudy Scott, the zinc taste test can help determine if The neuro ones don't always have to involve pain, just brain fog. That may suggest its feeding candida which I've had issues with. No protein with breakfast this is most likely causing your brain fog Buy protein shake off Amazon and drink atleast 50grams or more of this per day , or 1 shake and 1 additional chicken breast per day Your brain fog should resolve Your brain needs amino acids to function correctly without it , we don’t function correctly I’ve been injecting EOD for 6 months. Restlessness is worse. Posted by u/Then-Dare1948 - 19 votes and 12 comments I also don't remember their details. With fatigue and confusion, they probably tested your thyroid (TSH), another common cause. An iron deficiency is one of the causes of teeth grinding. After being on Nofap, the brain fog has cleared up significantly and no trace of it is left other than when I'm feeling extremely tired. I have felt like shit for years, with brain fog, fatigue and no motivation to do anything. While zinc might be a powerful tool in your cognitive clarity toolkit, it’s important to remember that it’s not a magic bullet. My big trick has been high dose daily zinc for 8 weeks. When I was taking copper with magnesium, I The body uses the amino acids in food proteins to produce brain cells, neurotransmitters and other compounds that support brain health. The only reason I am not lost is because of Google Maps. So, high carbs and sugar will do it, and every supplement will help reduce inflammation, but the vitamin or mineral that you’re lacking will be the best at removing the inflammation My symptoms were: irritability, anxiety, depression, easliy panic, fatigue, impatient, dizziness, brain fog, can not look people in the eyes, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, enlarged prostate, heavy feeling in head, headache. and it turns out a lot of times brain-fog and chronic fatigue could be because of D3, B12 or similar deficiency. Low b12 is well known to cause brain fog. I have had allergy testing done in the past. 328,329 A meta-analysis of nine studies Hello guys, I just wanted to ask if deficiency in vitamin B12 and folic acid cause brain fog. I did take it after orgasm and felt ok (although my symptoms usually appear the day after so they are delayed). It just feels like my emotions and brain malfunctioned. Also must take for me are Magnesium, Zinc, creatine, fish oil, Vit D 3000 mg. Minerals like zinc are used by many body and brain functions. COPPER AND THE BRAIN NORADRENERGIC SYSTEM (dopamine regulation & NDMA receptor activation) Research From what I've heard about copper you want to avoid supplements and eat foods with it or you can throw off your zinc levels. This has helped me tremendously with my allergies. Studies of malnourished children in India, Africa, Slow growth in a child can point to a zinc deficiency. It will likely cause imbalances in other other areas. I did this test 4 times, for well over 10 seconds, and each time it tasted like water. More so pressure than pain but often does turn into pain. Dr was hoping that would help my Brain Fog but it did not. Annoyingly, moving our body really does wonder with Brain Fog. Really sounds like zinc deficiency, especially loss of smell and intense jittery bodily anxiety and the metallic taste. A zinc deficiency alone can cause brain fog. the brain fog is . I just found out that H. I started out with 30 days of 4 pills (88mg). If you have a Zinc deficiency, you may benefit from an extra zinc supplement. Vitamin D levels are at 26. basically disfunctional until 1-2 pm. time!! unless there is some underlying cognitive deficiency, brain fog or test anxiety or nervousness or any thing like that can only be treated with time. When you have been deficient in something (like B12) and start taking it, it will eagerly start using up all the things it would normally react with or help incorporate into cells or tissues, so it can expose other deficiencies really fast as you’ll use those things up first. Pylori affects the vitamin B12 absorption process. When I first started these supplements years ago, someone told me that magnesium and/or zinc can deplete or affect absorption of copper in the body. I felt normal. That could, just as much as it could not be the main cause of your brain fog. Hello there foggies I have a few questions regarding B12 deficiency : 1/Can chronic brain fog alone indicate a B12 deficiency ( I mean my vision and joints are just fine, although I get depressed from time to time and my mood fluctuates regularly, plus I've ruled out many other BF's known causes ) ? In 1974, I decided not to drink anymore, and found that it was very easy to stop. I'm getting tested soon and will definitely start taking at least 10000UI of D3 daily with K2 and magnesium. Hi all, I just got some blood test results back today indicating my vitamin D levels are hovering around 13. What thoughts do you guys have on There is a very helpful Facebook page that I recently discovered called Pyroluria. Zinc deficiency isn't very well understood but it's extremely prevalent all over the body and needed for just about all of the major reactions. After 2 weeks, I had a significant improvement and after a month no more brain fog and I was way energised. Today I decided to test again and I have Iron, 10umol/L, ferritin 212 and TIBC 50. Zinc can lead to a deficiency in omega3-6s. These have caused issues for me, there are probably numerous others so if you can trace your brain fog starting when you started some drug or even some "innocent" supplement, try stop using it. I often also fall asleep in the day. Hey guys. And also, is brain fog and a severe inability to focus common symptoms? I obviously don't know how long I've been deficient for, but I'd say I've had brain fog/focusing issues for about 2 years or more now. It can also be responsible for memory problems. Apparently I'm vitamin D deficient; I got a blood test done a month ago. I've tried every other important vitamin and mineral and they didn't really solve my issues, so now I'm thinking it might be copper deficiency. I used to get brain fog no idea what from. Energy levels are improving, and I feel I can concentrate better and workout longer. This one is common as alcohol consumption triggers LTD, the opposite (long term depression), and this is important for neuroplasticity, adapting, integrating information, and keeping a thoufht process and your From what I see, D, B vitamins, B12 and B9 (folate in foods - leafy greens, folic acid in supplements) and some sites say zinc. Definitely worth looking into if you're experiencing similar issues with leaky gut. No way! I've actually noticed at night blurry vision and food cravings every day since I've taken it. The taste of the zinc only got very very slightly stronger (from near tasteless) and I'm not feeling any benefits yet, not even sure if I am absorbing any zinc. I started taking 300 mg magnesium as magnesium malate daily + 25 mg zinc daily + vitamin B complex. Towards the end may I began having intense brain fog and intermittent head aches. Supplementing zinc longer than week will throw copper balance off. I have just had my annual stool and bloods and consultant said all looks fine but they don’t test for zinc and the only meds I Since around August of 2023 I've been experiencing brain fog that comes and goes, irritation, mood swings, severe insomnia, heart palpations, acid Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home If I were you, I would check my copper level, prolonged zinc supplementation may cause copper deficiency. Please try to do blood tests for zinc and vitamin d and supplement if needed. It is likely something missing in your diet like not enough protein or minerals like zinc. I'm suffering from extreme brain fog / motivation and low energy. Might also consider L-Tryptophan, Saffron, You might have a chronic magnesium deficiency, The other stuff might just be kinda regular life stuff or a problem unto it’s own. It is possible for copper supplementation to cause issues of your copper level is fine, but if you need it should have immediate positive effects My brain fog was the result of iron deficiency, PLMD, and sleep apnea combined. I’m an engineering student, and my lack of energy and ability to concentrate and learn new material make it difficult to thrive in Because of this, zinc deficiency can contribute to de facto “everything deficiency. It is involved in the regulation of neurotransmitters. Hematologist at University of MN is studying me and my Copper / Zinc Imbalance for the past year but has I have used l-tyrosine for over 6 months now. HEART DISEASE - 3. Just prepping some stuff that could help him. cognition is so bad it feels like I have dementia. I believe magnesium citrate would work just as well. , but working out coupled with the vits and sups above really changed my life. Fatigue and brain fog are also signs of copper deficiency. It is well known a zinc deficiency alone will cause brain fog - it is important to take it in a balanced mineral supplement. I will list some that i know could cause it : high dose zinc, probiotics, DHEA. Some deficiencies, as far as i, not a doctor, know, can take months to correct (and some can take days. There's a lot of factor that go into this, but poor sleep, anxiety and potentially vitamin deficiency contribute to brain fog. I have ADHD, so low levels of dopamine. Too much leads to headaches too. However, once I relapse, I I am taking Solgar brand. Is it likely that this is what's causing my brain fog? The thing is, I've been vitamin D deficient before, and I don't remember it feeling like this in my brain. I also have abnormally High Vit B12 which Dr says is caused by my SIBO - Dr ruled out other causes. The bottom line even with not smoking - I would take a mineral supplement to get your brain back. WOW! Pain can cause brain fog. Possibly low on other vits too if these two are so bad. I also take zinc. I have to take DAO enzyme supplement before meals because of my Copper deficiency. Low cortisol, serotonin, and dopamine perhaps. Have you considered that the brain fog could be due to deficiency of either magnesium or something else? I also got better sleep with 350 mg but felt groggy during the day. A study at the University of Toronto showed that zinc has a key role in regulating how neurons communicate. Hello there 👋 It’s been 2 years I struggle with hard brain fog, View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. The exercise and dairy were the main things for me. Apparently Antipsychotics have a history of causing potassium deficiency in some patients. Hi guys, Historically, I've been the type to develop brain fog, anxiety, vitamin E deficiency has been observed in people taking fish oil. The balance of intracellular and extracellular zinc levels is crucial for maintaining zinc homeostasis in many brain regions, including those involved in the physiopathology of I’ve been supplementing with 15mg zinc picolinate for about a month now. Long term, a mineral supplement or multivitamin is better. Poor social skills: Almost like I am awkward or that I have forgotten how to speak to people. How long did your zinc deficiency take to reverse or to even see effects? I've been struggling with brain fog and fatigue since November 2022. NAC chelates Zinc and Copper along with other heavy metals, I developed histamine intolerance after using it for a few months. I did blood work, and started taking the vitamins today, but what's concerning me is that the symptoms that I'm experiencing aren't seen by vitamin deficiency only, like ear ringing, throat tension, forehead tension, migraines, pain behind my eyeballs? Hey guys, I’ve been struggling for a long time with depression, brain fog, fatigue, and in recent years, digestive issues. MY QUORA POST ON BRAIN FOG (LATE 2016-EARLY 2017) I wrote about this topic on brain fog about 2 years ago in quora. What has improved is taking Zinc 30mg per day. I have experienced this effect many times, and when I don't use zinc for a week, I notice the symptoms returning and a significant decrease in my motivation and cognitive abilities. If you get sick often, I would like for signs of a zinc deficiency. But it depends what type of magnesium you get. B12 and folate is a big deal for brain function and serum levels aren't even conclusive about your status, but since you have a piece of evidence on this, just megadose methylated forms of these vitamins for about a month and you'll find out. I've been doing research by reading books, watching videos, reading comments, posts, etc. While supplementing large doses of zinc is unwise, it's highly unlikely that stepping over the 20mg/d value (into the 30-50mg territory) is going to cause brain damage in humans. Zinc and D get drained fighting any infection along with a few others. How well do you sleep? Whilst generally safe, vitamins & minerals taken in excess can lead to toxicity. I’m starting to think my brain fog may be connected to copper deficiency. my doc recommended 2000IU (i was only taking half that in my daily vitamin, so i added an additional 1000IU pill) — it’s been about a week and i’m starting to feel like me again. A lack of zinc can lead to foggy thinking and memory problems. My dad just had two strokes, and two surgeries, and is in the ICU. If this helps with your brain fog, take some of that newfound clarity and call a doctor. D3 will reduce the amount of your magnesium because it takes magnesium to convert vitamin d into its active form. I want to lay out the exact way my brain is right now in hopes of shedding light on exactly how serious this is, because I feel as though the brain fog I am feeling is very different from what other people are feeling. Your doctor likely tested the other typical reasons for brain fog (and fatigue). I have post-concussion syndrome of 3 years, and through my research found that magnesium levels and zinc levels in the brain are dropped by at least 50% after a concussion, I imagine there's some correlation after a stroke as well. I have been taking 25mg zinc daily for years and have very little copper in my diet. REM, or the dream stage happens each sleep cycle and when you commit things to memory. If you have further ideas, please let me know =) Last year I found out I had a Helicobacter Pylori infection. Diet plays a crucial role in brain health, and it’s not just about getting enough zinc. . Preferably, not in a treadmill, motion + open spaces help in dilating our visions which helps our brain get out of cognitive pigeonholing which helps the brain to relax. A zinc deficiency alone can cause brain fog, low D will result in a less restorative sleep so slower thinking the next day. I tried microdosing to help with dissociation, brain fog, and derealization. GI mapping has shown I had zero beneficial microbiota present. If you’re interested in knowing more about dosing, frequency, and amount, I suggest searching the names of these supplements in r/supplements & r/nootropics. So far the only thing they’ve found is I’m anemic. I got rid of it through antibiotics. Zinc deficiency can make people more prone to diarrhea. For mood in general, the combination of zinc, B6, and magnesium is often recommended because they synergize well to help your body create feel-good neurotransmitters. Nothing to loose and Magnesium causing brain fog? You may also need to check your Zinc and Copper status. Basics A. I have a serum B12 test scheduled but I think this is a major cause of my brain fog. Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to cognitive problems, including poor concentration. Once I resolved those, I almost never had brain fog, but noticed when I traveled north I would have brain fog, which would be resolved with allergy meds. The majority of my issues have been cofactor related over the last 2 or 3. No ocd habits. The day after I felt a bit better (but not perfect) in terms of my brain fog and eczema. Reply reply Alphapackk magnesium, omega 3, vitamin D, vitamin K2 , probiotic, selenium, zinc, bcomplex, vitamin C , Did anyone have brain fog that seemed to appear or worsen after starting re-supplementation? I started off with primarily symptoms of neuropathy that seemed to be getting overall mildly better after ~3 weeks of supplementation (weekly B12 shot and oral supplementation daily on days I don't take the shot), but feel that lately I've been having more brain fog (like feeling like I'm in a I’ve never really dealt with brain fog before (32 yo male). 2-. I make sure to take it with plenty of vitamin D3 and K2 (10,000 IU). 3 g dose. Don’t get me wrong, it’s improved a lot. Reply reply EricaH121 I'll further look into the nutrient deficiency, thanks. Reply reply been struggling with severe morning groginess and brain fog for years. First, ditch B12 if it's on of the new souped up kinds. We advise that you only take vitamins/minerals when your value of them has been tested and indicates a non-ideal value, or if it is a vitamin/mineral that cycles Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Dont be surprised if it takes a while to correct it. However I believe that fasting can unmask underlying conditions which trigger it. B12 deficiency can cause mental disorders all on its own. For example, there’s research showing that most people are deficient in magnesium and zinc. I took the gummy and it worked accordingly, but as I look back I have noticed that my symptoms didn’t really begin until ~1 week after taking them and the symptoms persist a In this post I described my issues with brain fog, extreme tiredness, bad focus, and so on. It is not going to be overnight fix with likely years of malnutrition with low B12 or lack of sun with low D. My first dose that day gave me horrible heart palpitations, brain-fog, and lethargy. At some point that night, I even almost blanked out for what must have been a fraction of a second. Combating brain fog often requires a multi-faceted approach. Please read if possible 115 votes, 200 comments. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know to get your blood checked for zinc deficiency if you haven't found a cause for your reflux. Also my Anxiety has tripled and my brain is constantly overthinking and uses 99% of my Brain power. But in terms of your brain fog, brain fog typically comes from inflammation, so find out what’s causing your inflammation and how to stop it. No negative thought spirals. I can’t learn new things. If you insist, go ahead but if you notice brain Obviously this isn’t the only possible cause for brain fog but I’ve made this comment a few times in the sub so I thought I’d make a post about it. I know this question probably will go nowhere and probably a lot of you experience this. I have been to my primary, an ent & most recently a neurologist. I am suffering with brain fog, 25mg zinc bisglycinate + 200-400 mg magnesium citrate before meal with enough fat for fish oil absorption helped me with depression and anxiety Reply reply I believe the OP has iron deficiency w/out anemia too. 9 Ng/ml. Then curcumin is very good for brain fog, especially I to struggle with brain fog and anxiety after I stopped taking Xanax and quit all other drugs I only drink on the weekends, my memory has slowly declined over the last 2 years I’m always in a fog I can barely concentrate and it worries me because I slowly get worse and worse but I do think I might have untreated sleep apnea and I choke in my sleep, I read how sleep apnea cuts off Brain fog: Feeling of being tired, unable to keep my head up & eyes open. Some doctors miss testing B12 if you're not a vegetarian. Throat discomfort: Constant swallowing to clear “mucus” High histamine does cause brain fog events. Not directly. When I finally saw a Neurologist he was the first person in 3+ years to take me seriously and listen and reviewed my medical history line by line and his due diligence uncovered the B12 deficiency same way you eradicate a common cold. About two weeks after stopping, I deliberately looked around for a placebo to try to improve brain fog, and I took a niacin tablet (100 mg). It does need to stay in balance with copper. Brain Fog was the number one reason I worked so hard on getting my own diagnosis. I’m yet to try supplementing yet though Zinc supplementation can cause copper deficiency. A severe zinc deficiency would show in your fingernails as horizontal small white streaks. I recently found out I was anemic. I myself was misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I was actually dying from a severe B12 deficiency that left me with permanent Neurological Damage and heart damage. It takes time to recover. I’m going to get my son tested and I am hoping that I’ve finally found something that can help him. Once you fix your D, B12 levels, then I'd look into other reasons. For your high inflammation and 6 years of brain fog, definitely cut gluten. I respond badly to most treatments, so I manage my symptoms with a low carb, low FODMAP diet. other vitamins and minirals deficiency can cause brain fog : vitamin D, C, B12, omega-3, Iron, magnesium, potassium. Lack of vits like b12 can totally CAUSE brain fog though, probably they're trying to say this under the influence of brain fog is all. I don’t have consistent diarrhea, just during flare ups. Always felt I should be able to perform better but something was blocking my brain. It varies) Only if you're B12 deficient. Still, no way of truly knowing without a blood test so not a bad idea to get one done once a year, and of course inform your doctor if you notice any symptoms of a copper deficiency I have seen my gp, before anyone claims I'm self-diagnosing. It may be an idea to add a mineral supplement to your routine. My blood work was all clear; except a small iron deficiency which I’ve been taking iron for. I wonder whether either (a) I am deficient in Zinc which has contributed to my symptoms or (b) the Zinc supplement is somehow damaging the Candida. i recently experimented with copper injections (due to taking 50mg zinc/day and caused a slight copper deficiency) and suffered greatly from it. Though, i could not ever isolate a specific cause (not sugar, not colors, not preservatives, etc). Zinc has a multitude of functions in the body, including reducing oxidative stress, modulating neurotransmitter receptor function, and regulating gene expression. Test active B12 (holo-TC), MMA and homocysteine. ” And that will make you feel awful. This is actually why they stopped putting zinc into denture paste, lots of older adults were getting a I'm even less concerned for you because athletes may be at a greater risk of zinc deficiency because you lose zinc when you sweat. I just give lots of credit to Selenium. Too Omega 3 supplements since that was the only thing the perfect blood test didn't include and as a vegetarian I assumed I might be deficient in it. Even if you have shitty insurance, they can run a metabolic test as part of your annual physical, which most insurances cover completely. I had brain fog so so bad and my doctor ran labs. If yes, check your daily zinc intake level. If you want to rule out iodine deficiency, i have no doubt there has to be one way of testing this level, especially if it is recognisable as a deficiency. Deficiencies in any of these can lead to brain fog and fatigue. Magnesium deficiency is well known to cause 'brain fog'. I found benefits at first but then on my off days I felt worse than if not at all. I dont understand it. They discovered the iron deficiency when I went in for a sleep study because I was not sleeping well and wrecked my car and they saw my legs were twitching frequently while I slept, which was causing many micro awakenings throughout the night that I was not aware of and did not There are lots of people with B12 deficiency symptoms, although their B12 serum value is in line. Muscle soreness, brain fog etc. I have been able to eat fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha, and get away with eating things that would normally send me into brain fog hell. DISEASES ASSOCIATED FROM A COPPER DEFICIENCY: NEUROPATHY - 2. Proton pump inhibitors like omeprezole, DPP-4 inhibitors like sitagliptin. For example, one study that followed more than 77,000 men Another thing that has helped tremendously improve brain fog is the realization that I am most of the time potassium deficient. In my case I believe that was a deficiency in certain I feel like im literally dying 24/7. Yeah magnesium gives me brain fog and severe depression. I have constant headaches, tinnitus, white noise, muscle spasms all over the body, internal vibrations, breathing issues, brain fog, memory loss, EXTREME anxiety, heart palpitations, light sensitivity, occipital neuralgia, balance issues, white and black bursts of light in my vision, pressure in the head, icepick sensations in my brain, vertigo, panic I recently was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency and began taking Vit. As someone diagnosed with ADHD, I can even handle some of the boring and seemingly impossible courses with ease, and my physical condition has improved. and also thyroid, check them all. Long term zinc deficiency can be tricky to spot at first, but in many people it turns into GERD due to depletion of stomach acid, counter-intuitively. I have read somewhere that Candida albicans can 'steal' Zinc. Hello there 👋 you might take copper and reach too high levels and get a possible zinc deficiency, and then you need to take something to fix that etc. No energy and feeling of wasting my breath when socializing. My scaly eczema, stomach uncomfortableness and brain fog have improved a bit. If you have horizontal white streaks on your fingernails, it means a severe zinc deficiency. I am very happy about the huge amount of information I received. Sometimes I even forget their name. If you get a few colds a year, it could be this as it is needed for an immune defense. I don’t know if zinc works for me yet, but I am trying it on the chance that I have bad skin, bone/muscle aches and pain, fatigue, brain fog, change of taste and smell and other things which all seem to point to a zinc deficiency. I was diagnosed by my doctor but the only symptom I have is hair loss (unless it’s unrelated). I’ve leaned so much. These nutrient deficiencies can lead to brain fog and fatigue. I’m a 27 year old female. Tyrosine was enough to help with brain fog etc. Theyre well known to cause brain fog. Thanks to everyone! Since then I have tried: - Magnesium complex (MagEnhance with threonate, glycinate and taurate) - I've been dealing with brain fog for half a year now. It's somewhat unpredictable you have to be careful. Have taken some zinc supplements in small doses, but it seems to cause worse anhedonia and bad brain fog for me. I believe my Brain Fog / memory issues are due to Candida and / or Methane SIBO. I would like to share what helped me with my brain fog. Covid sure takes a hit on the body with nutrient levels. I have methane dominant SIBO. In February I ordered 3chi Delta 8 THC gummies. Describe “brain fog” & its symptoms to a good GP and they’ll order you a fairly comprehensive blood panel. Forgetfulness. A good diet builds a healthy gut biome. But it's just a wild ass guess without other Fortunately I paid for some nutrient tests on my own and found I have copper deficiency which is also causing anemia! Months ago I had a zinc deficiency and had been taking only 15-25mg / day and eating red meat once or twice a week. I felt great for those months, but overtime started getting numb/tingling feet/hands and decided to do some looking into it and realized my zinc intake was severely high and stopped, just over the past 3 weeks stopped everything, besides the one a day multi. Other than my brain fog. But I can’t access memories or words. And I do have days where I admit to having CRS (Can't Remember S--t). Get the Reddit app Scan this Your lack of stamina points towards a combo of zinc deficiency and possibly hyperinsulinemia, fwiw. When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a long, long time ago - that was one of the symptoms. I only did 1,000 per day though. Zinc: Zinc is important for synaptic function and has been implicated in learning and memory. I don't believe that fasting should cause brain fog. Brain Fog, Back Pain, Shoulder/Neck Area tension, muscles Sounds like Vitamin D3 deficiency which is often accompanied with magnesium deficiency. Zinc is so important for mental health, take life extension zinc balance as it's low dose and has some copper. Almost dizzy or lightheadedness. If I take it time to Zinc deficiency has been previously reported as a potential cause of neuropsychological symptoms and peripheral neuropathy, but literature on this topic is sparse. For the past several months I have been taking 100MG of zinc, with a multivitamin, magnessium and arganine and citrilline. "#9: Frequent brain fog A study at the University of Toronto showed that zinc has a key role in regulating how neurons communicate. I have schizo effective disorder and take Antipsychotics. I also occasionally have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and not sure if that’s related. Another big issue for me is Memorising Roads, Locations. I am so overwhelmed with brain fog that 100% of the day I can barely tell if I’m actually awake or actually dreaming. This is what wrote on there for what I thought were possible causes for it " I think that it is due to an imbalance of neurochemicals in my brain. Apparently that was enough zinc to antagonize my copper levels into deficiency. Done sleep studies and blood tests (only high creatinine and familial cholesterol). I wonder if you would feel some relief trying zinc picolinate, that's the chelated one and better absorbed. If you haven't tried supplementing, a good multivitamin (without iron as not healthy for men), and a fish oil supplement could help regain your brain health. Have been dealing with leaky gut, severe brain fog, histamine intolerance and many other symptoms. Brain fog would come on in hours after eating junk food. Anyone else share this? By the way I take vitamin B12 supplements now Regardless - I’d get a psych eval, a brain scan, and comprehensive bloodwork to start. But apparently I am one of the unlucky few who gets depersonalization panic attack through excess acetylcholine. Depression and anxiety are known to happen with a zinc deficiency. First was the zinc sulphate taste test. i had vitamin D deficiency that wasn’t crazy low, but low enough to cause CRAZY brain fog. There are also some vitamin deficiencies being talked about. I always seem to forget where I am and get lost daily. Folic acid deficiency gives you similar symptoms as B12, so often people who take injections don't really start feeling better because the B12 deficiency is replaced with a folic acid deficiency. You shouldn’t be below 75, in my book. and not enough zinc so naturally the average westerner will be too high in copper to begin with. Brain fog decreases, I don't need 12 hours of sleep a day + naps too ugh, I wake up without alarm Selenium is not the only supplement I find helpful. This comes with low zinc - I have experienced brain fog with covid, a zinc supplement made a difference. See if it makes a difference. If you do 10,000 to start with just for initial remediation, that’s ok but bear in mind that Vitamin D can accumulate— so re-test in 3 months and adjust. However, after using zinc, I feel almost 10 times better in both cognitive and physical aspects. I'm 21, lift weights 5x a week, eat generally well and high protein, take daily vitamin d, omega 3, What did help me with covid brain fog - zinc supplements, I took 15mg of zinc picolinate. I started looking into supplements for brain fog and memory and and “WonderFocus Mushroom Gummies” have cured my brainfog! If you have had success by treating the brain fog by correcting nutrition imbalances, please let me and rest of the community know about it, Thanks TL;DR: my low b12 levels "might" be the cause of brain fog, please approach your nearest neuro with your symptoms. It is now two weeks since I quit taking the 1000 mcg cyanocobalamin (took it for five days), and I feel worse than ever. THC is known to cause a folic acid deficiency and in some, a zinc deficiency. A deficiency is linked to brain fog. Does anyone else feel dizzy or experience brain fog after eating a lot of carbs, magnesium, thiamin, zinc, riboflavin) causing you to feel worse. I can’t concentrate at all for anything, my short term memory doesn’t seem to work at all these days, I’m always losing all of my things, and get so tired for no reason. My background is that I've suffered from brain fog, slow thinking, anhedonia, low energy, and some anxiety and flattened emotions for as long as I can remember. 36. NAC is also processed by the SUOX pathway so proper Molybdenum status is also important when using NAC. Which is significantly lower If you have brain fog or lots of mental focus issues you might just need allergy meds Because too much zinc will cause a copper deficiency my whole point of going on Reddit was that I discovered my old promo code still always works for 10% off ND. Then after about a month I developed bad anhedonia and a zinc deficiency. They share a lot of information about how a zinc deficiency and zinc/copper imbalance could really lead to mental health issues. Especially if you are vegetarian or vegan. I am not allergic to dairy and am allergic to various pollens, etc. The only one that has made a difference in my brain is supplementing with zinc. Could be thyroid related too (TSH), but that's usually happens when older. if you fear your brain fog will interfere with your iq score try talking to whoever will administer the evaluation and see if there can be any accommodations made or if they have any Mine was Zinc Picolinate by Solgar (x2 of the 22mg). Magnesium works with B vitamins and D3. i had vitamin D deficiency, it gave me strong brain fog and Dizziness, blood pressure issues while it's normal, strong heart beats, forgetfulness, fatigue, insomnia or trouble sleeping, very bad appetite I always wondered why I was so tired and groggy everyday and never linked fapping with brain fog. Zinc deficiency can lead to neurodegenerative diseases, mental abnormalities, sleep disorders, tumors, vascular diseases, and other pathological conditions, which can cause cognitive impairment and premature aging. The closest i could ever recreate it is by eating processed sweets (donuts, cake, candy). B12 and folic acid work hand in hand, and high levels of B12 often deplete folic acid levels. A dose of that (125 mg elemental iron) would be enough for the minimum a person should take who weighs 137 lbs, so you should be taking more than half the dose unless you weigh 75 lbs. Does anyone have a zinc deficiency and hair loss? It's fairly well known that excess zinc can cause neurotoxicity; it "looks" like copper that is needed in neuron function, and increased zinc can cause an effective copper deficiency. It can also be a vitamin deficiency which is usually both brain fog and fatigue, low B12, low D, low ferritin but your doctor probably tested for those ones. Recently I tried zinc l-carnosine and it's made a massive difference. Symptoms include weak nails (used to have strong nails), dry skin (used to have combination skin), wounds take forever to heal, brain fog I love tofu, which is a good source of zinc. A deficiency of B6 B9 B12 and to a lesser extent also zinc can cause homocysteine to rise (gastric malabsorption can lead to vitamin deficiencies) Vegan/vegetarian diet, alcohol use and heavy smoking can also lead to an increase in homocysteine. The less you're able to taste it, the more deficient you are. This is because zinc and copper compete for absorption in the stomach, with zinc being the usual winner. I had acquired a great deal of brain fog from drinking, and that fog did not go away when I stopped. Possible causes of brain fog may vary but this is what helped me. However, you have to eat a ridiculous amount of nuts, seeds and leafy greens to get atleast 1mg of Despite trying different supplements, many of them either created brain fog or provided no benefit. Took another month to It could be magnesium Glycinate to promote LTP (long term potentiation) It could be iodine, zinc or calcium deficiency that is affecting your LTP capacity as well. Also, this message is for the OP :) Thank you for your contribution. It is why it works on people with PTSD. Also tbh, some disorientation and brain fog as well, just didn't care because I still felt so much better. Tons of problems, I got a liquid zinc sulfate supplement and been taking it + 5-10 oysters a day for a week. perhaps Pinella, magnesium & fish oil for brain fog while you’re figuring things out. like either 44 or 66mg daily. My primary symptoms are bloating, nausea, and brain fog. However there are a lot of other possible causes of brain fog. A zinc deficiency causes brain fog and skin conditions. Blood tests for magnesium looked okay but apparently they don't tell you how much magnesium you have stored in your tissue, which is also very relevant. D3, aDHA and magnesium work fast often for brain fog. Hydration, it's often overlooked you don't need to drink excessive amounts of water but at least 2 Same thing happened to me on NAC. Really bad brain fog, increased tinnitus, and really bad dissociation. Everyone is different. According to the American Hematological Society, you should be taking 2 to 5 mg of elemental iron per kilogram of body weight a day, so 125 mg is probably not enough. It's where you hold a couple tsps of Zinc Sulphate in your mouth for at least 10 seconds. JUST WENT THROUGH THIS. For eg I have some chronic health issues that cause brain fog - but it turns out I’m also extremely deficient in folate & b12 and my ferritin levels are tanked so supplementing those will likely help me. This reduction of magnesium can lead to symptoms of a magnesium deficiency such as tiredness, lack of focus, brain fog, Anyways, I’ve stopped smoking completely but still struggled with on and off brain fog. D3 5000 IU + K2 Mk7 90mcg. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. All of which help anxiety, energy, brain fog, memory, detoxification at a cellular level, and so much more! Straight from the BodyBio website: Phosphatidylcholine (PC) - ensures cell membrane integrity and function* Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) - vital to mitochondrial function* Beyond Zinc: A Holistic Approach to Brain Fog. You can stop the zinc supplement or take a copper along with the zinc. #9: Frequent brain fog. 326,327 Importantly, zinc may inhibit neuronal NMDA glutamate receptors, which are dysregulated in those with depression, and raise BDNF levels, which can promote neuroplasticity. Thiamin are The "Great Imitator" of Other Illnesses. If your serum value is on the lower end, let's say below 350 pmol/l (500 ng/l): Do additional testing. The brain relaxing is the difference between walking for errands/ walking for health purposes. thiamine deficiency reduced synthesis of dopamine and decreased catecholamine turnover (dopamine + noradrenaline) in the hypothalamus and other brain regions . Just know that there are always specific causes of brain fog that can be hard to identify. An activated B complex is vital for your brain and emotional health. This can cause brain fog the next day. Current protocol: d-lactate free probiotic powder (from custom probiotics): 200 billion CFU x 2 daily zinc l-carnosine (Doctor's Best): 16mg zinc, 75mg l-carnosine x 2 daily The reason is at least in the west, we already have too much copper from food, hygiene products, tap water, etc. I'm doing a PhD so these symptoms are certainly having a negative impact on that. I figure it's time for my "miraculously cured" post since I've been waiting a few months and I'm still feeling ok. It gets majorly depleted with covid and really any infection. A desperate cry for help, I am on the verge of suicide. I had bad brain fog almost daily for 2 years and it got worse. Hello! So I recently tested my zinc levels with two separate tests. I believe I was deficient in magnesium. make sure to get a blood panel done and check your vitamins. I was diagnosed with a zinc deficiency as a kid from a pediatrician, but for some reason haven't been adding the The other nutrient covid depletes majorly like any infection is zinc. I did 1 day on, 2 days off of a . My vitamin d was super low. Or “Zinc supplementation is also a common cause of copper deficiency. Zinc is very limited in a vegan diet and a known deficiency among vegans. Take the measures to cut down on side effects - invest in a smaller, gentler dose and pay close attention to when you take it. Not a cure but I will keep it up. I did blood tests last year and they came back normal - iron was in lower point, but still within normal range. and reduce anything that tastes sweet. I’m new here. Or Symptoms: Lack of energy, brain fog, restless legs, long sleeping hours (about 10 to feel refreshed), hard to focus, Zinc deficiency can cause lymphopenia - https: Sometimes even then it makes me feel brain fog or like I'm getting a cold. A LOT. Get your vitamin d levels checked. I could just decide to do something and then do it. But has anyone else started exercising really hard and it seems like over the years your brain fog has progressed to actually feeling like it’s full of “crust” or that there’s a I had worsening brain fog for 3 years which was ultimately healed through high dose magnesium citrate (300 mg per day), vitamin B complex and zinc. wapf sxym krg qgmpcj ukrtxo utwb cugccw rosdrg pzyn pamz pzach shmuzp ebo ucmqly hclcbxfb