Kerr county court. Late Thursday afternoon, Oct.

Kerr county court S. They are sometimes referred to as the executive officer of the justice of the peace courts. 1 day ago · The Kerr County Commissioners' Court conducts regular meetings in the first-floor commissioners' courtroom at the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville. Concurrent jurisdiction with the district courts over family law cases, as well as civil cases with a jurisdictional limit of $250,000. Protect yourself while on the internet. This Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78028. us Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10. Court Coordinator Jody Grinstead 700 E. Kevin C. THIS NOTICE IS POSTED PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. 1 in the district courtroom at the Kerr County Courthouse. Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10. Kerr County - Courthouse. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main St Ste 101 Kerrville, Tx 78028. Learn how to pay tickets, access court records, and get employment listings. Kerr County Highway Maps from the Texas Department of Transportation. Kerr County Court at Law. email: rpaces@co. Court System Type: County Court at Law Division: Contact Information: Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10. Most county offices will be closing for a one-day break on Monday, May 27, to observe the federal holiday, Memorial Day. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite BA103 Kerrville, Texas 78028. Arraignments are usally done on Tuesdays, and begin at 8:30 a. Braving temps in the low 20s, a crowd of die-hard supporters gathered at 6 a. While open on New Year’s Eve on Tuesday, Dec. Certified Juvenile Probation Officers (JPO) must fulfill many tasks including supervising, advising, referring, and detaining youth in need of services. For bond amounts, or to see if a defendant has been magistrated, please call the Kerr County Jail at 830-896-1257 and speak with a clerk. As of the 2020 census, its population was 52,598. Nov 21, 2024 · Kerr County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. and 5 p. Harris, Judge Phone: 830/792-2207 Alicia Pena, Court Coordinator Fax: 830/895-3711 Kelly Rode, Court Reporter E-mail: ccladmin@co. View information on completing court forms, efiling, and how to get free help for restraining orders. 1927. The West Kerr County Courthouse Annex is open from 8 a. The county was formed on January 1, 1856 with Kerrville being the county seat for all but two years of that time. Make a Payment. District Judges Kaitlyn G. The tax office may be reached by phoning 830-896-9032, the Kerr County Justice of the Peace office for Precinct 4 may be reached by calling 830-896-9031 and the Kerr County Constable for Precinct 4 may be reached by dialing 830-896-9035. , Mon day, January 13, 2025, at the Kerr County Courthouse in the Commissioners’ Courtroom. Texas County District Clerks Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Room 102 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2230 Fax: 830-792-2278 jp1clerk@co. Court and Land Records. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Kerrville and other local cities. Jan 17, 2025 · Most Kerr County, Texas, offices will be closed for a one-day holiday on New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street #236 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2281. Kerr County Court at Law: Call 830-792-2269 24 HOURS PRIOR TO REPORTING. Hours of Operation: Mondays - Fridays, 8 a. The judge serves as the presiding officer of the court as well as the spokesperson and ceremonial head of the county government. KERR COUNTY 2023‐2024 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Court Order 40067 KERR COUNTY, TEXAS ECLIPSE DAY MONDAY 04/08/2024 *KERR COUNTY Administrative Day of Closing *Kerr County Commissioners' Court unanimously approved the closing of the courthouse and annex on the day of the total solar eclipse in the interest of the health and safety of county employees Closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. to 5p. Hours of Operation M-F, 8 a. us Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street Suite BA103 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2220 Hot Checks Department: (830) 792-2221 Fax: (830) 792-2228. 429 Sidney Baker Kerrville, Texas 78028 (830) 257-8181. 700 Main St. The Magistrate Court is stationed inside the Kerr County Jail, located at 400 Clearwater Paseo in Kerrville. Elections Administrator Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite 122 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2251 Fax: 830-792-2274. 1 and making his debut appearance as a competitor, Commissioner (Pct. 700 Main St, Rm 123, Kerrville, TX 78028-5389 Kerr County. Kerrville, Texas 78028 (830) 792-2200. Kerr County Court Records Online. 00). Dec 16, 2024 · KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE . Hot Checks Department: Phone: 830-792-2221 Fax: 830-792-2228. Its jurisdiction covers: Class A and B misdemeanor criminal cases. . us Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 257-7393 . County Surveyor Lee Volkel Phone: (830) 257-3313 . Copies $1 for first page, $0. To make a payment, visit the Kerr County Attorney's office between the hours of 8 a. - 4:30 p. Richard Paces 700 E. 03/05/2025. Contact Information Name Kerr County Court Address 700 Main Street Kerrville, Texas, 78028 Phone 830-792-2211. Kerr County is a public employer; therefore, all applications are public information. 1) Tom Jones (in top photo) won the cow chip toss -- a spirited Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10. 24/7 Contact Number: (830) 896-9007 or Internal 8023. CALL for work Stoppages EMAIL with work orders: help@co. District courts are superior to county courts and county commissioners’ courts are required to comply with district court orders. 14, 2025 - Possibility of Quorum West Kerr County Courthouse Annex 510 College Ingram, Texas 78025 Phone: 830-896-9031 Fax: 830-896-9034. Kerr County Clerk Office 700 Main St, Rm 122 0. Meetings are open to the public and visitors are always welcome. Add in the Payment Amount as shown. at the Kerr County Courthouse lawn Monday for a little fun kicking off stock show week. Constantly updated. It is located in the historic Kerr County Courthouse on 700 Main Street in Kerrville, and its current judge is Tom Pollard. Kerr County peace officers are the first link in the county's chain of law enforcement. Alford joined the Kerr County Clerk’s Office in 1985 in the land records division and quickly became the “go-to A special function allows you to look at the data for your county and those counties around you. Brown for his fellow Kentucky native, James Kerr, a congressman of the Republic of Texas. Their duties are to: subpoena witnesses; act as bailiffs; execute judgments; and service of process. New or Rehire potential employees will be required to provide documentary proof of their eligibility for employment. 3) Jonathan Letz read a letter from Kerr County Tax Assessor-Collector Bob Reeves, who overwhelmingly recommended Alford as the ideal choice to step into the role. West Kerr Annex Kerr County Courthouse. Kerr County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. For questions, call 830-792-2290. , Monday, December 16, 202, at the Kerr County Courthouse in the 4 Commissioners’ Courtroom. County Clerk's Land Records. tx. m. M. 00) per defendant to be served in KERR COUNTY , for a total of one hundred and twenty-one dollars ($121. There are other sites that claim to be Kerr County GOP but this site is the only authentic one. Payments may be made in any of the following ways: Online at municipalonlinepayments. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Kerr County info. 9 mile away. 27, the Kerr County Commissioners’ Court expanded the role of part-time public relations director, Lisa Walter, to full-time and she is also now responsible for coordinating the new website and its content. We will seek and provide solutions to workplace issues that support and optimize the operating principles of the organization. Cases in the municipal courts are prosecuted by municipal prosecutors. Brad Rider 3350 Junction Hwy Ingram, Texas 78025 Phone: (830) 896-9035 Email: brider@co. Jan 13, 2025 · KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE . 1 will impact most offices located in the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville, the West Kerr County Courthouse Annex, 510 College Street in Ingram, the county’s 550 Nearby Courts: Kerrville Kerr County 327 Earl Garrett, Ste 108 0. us The mission of the Human Resources Department is to support the goals of Kerr County by providing services that promote a work environment that is characterized by fair treatment of staff, open communications, personal accountability, trust and mutual respect. 198th and 216th District Courts: Call 830-896-7336 24 HOURS PRIOR TO REPORTING. Most Kerr County, Texas, offices will be closed for a one-day holiday on New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. If that’s not Kerr County, add facts to support venue in Kerr County. Duties and Responsibilities of the County Commissioner from the Texas Association of Counties Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite BA103 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2220. 50. to 5 p. Oklahoma County Court Clerk. Kerr County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Kerr County Clerk. Routine maintenance of Kerr County maintained roads includes: drainage, chipseal road resurfacing, patching potholes, vegetation control, traffic control signage, dead animal removal, and dam repairs. Mark C. If you are filing on a defendant that resides outside of Kerr County contact this court for service fees. Kerr County Commissioners' Court Coordinator Kathy Mitchell 700 E. 359 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-713-1171 Bailiff: Ginna Clerk: Rachel Court Reporter: Susan Todays Docket. us. The Hot Checks division may be reached by phone at 830-792-2221. Kerr Avenue, #409 Oklahoma City, OK 73102. with a roll call of all those who are on the docket that morning. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite BA100 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2276 Fax: 830-257-9228. The goal of the Kerrville Municipal Court, like all courts within the State of Texas, is to provide equal and impartial justice under the law. Kerr Special Judge Oklahoma County Courthouse 321 Park Avenue, 2nd floor, Rm. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite BA103 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2220. A background check will be required of finalist. Click Next. us and returned via email to: szapata@co. state of Texas. Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2211 Fax: (830) 792-2218 email: jgrinstead@co. Court Collections All Courts List / Child Protection Court of South Texas Child Protection Court of South Texas | Kerr County Please select a docket: 02/12/2025. Hours of Operation: When you see Kerr County, TX Clerk you know you’re on the correct site. Please be advised that the law prohibits a judge from communicating with you prior to trial about your pending case that you may file. The Kerr County Court at Law is a general jurisdiction court created by statute in 1985. Hit Next Offices primarily affected will be those in the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville, the West Kerr County Courthouse Annex, 510 College Street in Ingram, and the county’s 550 Earl Garrett Street campus. Location and Contact Information Jury Portal Kerr County website: www. If you are arrested on either warrant, your options are to either make arrangements with the Municipal Court to address your citation or judgment or be booked in the Kerr County Jail and be arraigned by the Magistrate within 24 hours. Having just taken the oath of office on Jan. Endeavors - 210-431-6466 The Kerr County Courthouse in Kerrville, TX serves as a central hub for legal proceedings and administrative functions within the county. co. 12, Harle overruled Belew’s request and upheld his removal from office. 31, the closing to usher in the New Year on Jan. Kerr County History from the Handbook of Texas Online. The Kerr County District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction of Texas. Hours of Operation: Mondays-Fridays, 7:30 a. Comfort was the county kerr county district clerk – civil filing fees dawn kay lantz, district clerk base filing fees - all new cases - filing suit . (TITLE 5, CHAPTER 551, GOVERNMENT CODE AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 552, GOVERNMENT CODE. ) This Commissioners’ Court will hold a meeting at 9:00 A. 217 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-713-1413. Local, State, and Federal Voting Information. Therefore, Belew is unable to serve as the commissioner of Kerr County Precinct 1 while his case is on appeal. Feb 5, 2025 · Kerr County Clerk: (Misdemeanor) for further assistance please call (830) 792-2255. Kerr County Website. Kerr County Clerk. Kerr County Tax Assessor Collector: for further assistance please call (830) 792-2242. KERR COUNTY, TEXAS Court order: 40705. Those who have suggestions or comments about the site are welcome to email them to: lwalter@co. [2] The county was named by Joshua D. Kerr County Probate Court probates the wills of deceased persons, declares the heirs of deceased persons who die without a will, establishes guardianships for incapacitated persons and minors, supervises court-ordered involuntary mental health commitments, and administers all eminent domain cases initiated in Kerr County. See all the links below on this page for training opportunities. to Noon and 1-5 p. Duties and Responsibilities of the County Judge from the Texas Association of Counties. And select what the payment is for as shown above. Clerk of the District Courts of Kerr County : TO OBTAIN A PASSPORT: REGULAR SERVICE Jan 9, 2025 · Tom Jones and Jeff Holt, newly-elected Kerr County Precinct 1 and Precinct 3 commissioners, respectively, are sworn into office by Kerr County Court at Law Judge Susan Harris, surrounded by their families, on Jan. The Kerr County Courts page consists of Links, Documents, and Information concerning District Courts Info Dockets, County Courts, Justice of the Peace Courts, Court at Law Info and Dockets, and Jury Duty Information. USGS National Mapping Information - Kerr County. us Constable Kerr County Adds 1 COVID-19 Death Kerr County COVID-19 Case Count Now 348 Kerr County Adds 2 More Cases Kerr County Adds 13 Cases Kerr County's COVID-19 Count Climbs to 323 Kerr County Cases Reach 277 COVID-19 Cases at 260, Free Testing Tuesday COVID-19 Cases at 247 & Testing Set for Tuesday COVID-19 Clinic Rescheduled COVID-19 Clinic Canceled Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10. Kerr County is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U. Justice of the Peace: for further assistance please call The Kerr County Juvenile Probation Department is comprised of individuals dedicated to helping the youth of Kerr County through service to the Juvenile Court. The next meeting of the commission will be: Third Monday of each month at noon Kerr County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 . us : The Kerr County Commissioners Court, which is composed of the County Judge and four Commissioners, is the overall managing / governing body of Kerr County. -noon and 1:30-4:30 p. McCray Special Judge Oklahoma County Courthouse 321 Park Avenue, 5th floor, Rm 2015 Downtown Kerrville: 2005 . Fee Schedule. WELCOME TO THE KCHC WEBSITE! The Kerr County Historical Commission meets the third Monday of each month at noon at the Union Church. 24-25, will be the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville, the West Kerr County Courthouse Annex, 510 College Street in Ingram, the county’s 550 Earl Garrett Street campus in Kerrville and others. Other Courts Nearby. CITATION: A citation is sent to the Constable for service on the defendant in Kerr County. 50/page after Certification of document $0. This is pursuant to Supreme Court Order 13-9165. This closure affects county departments located in the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville, in the 550 Earl Garrett Street office building in Kerrville and in the West Kerr County Courthouse Annex, 510 College Street in Ingram. The Kerrville Municipal Court maintains a list of individuals with active warrant(s). Open during lunch Excluding holidays County holiday schedule, revised Elizabeth H. Add the Card Type: visa, master card etc. 2 million annually in statutory fees and court costs, and local fines. to 4:30 p. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite 103 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2235 Fax: 830-792-2238 . com; By calling (830) 257-2388; By dropping off payment to the Municipal Court Clerks; Additional kerr county, texas 2024‐2025 holiday schedule court order: 40705 columbus day monday 10/14/2024 veterans day monday 11/11/2024 thanksgiving day thursday 11/28/2024 thanksgiving friday friday 11/29/2024 christmas eve tuesday 12/24/2024 christmas day wednesday 12/25/2024 new year's holiday wednesday 01/01/2025 Misdemeanor Court- Misdemeanor cases are heard in the Kerr County Court at Law courtroom on the first floor of the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street, Kerrville, Texas. Largest Database of Kerr County Mugshots. Kerr County District Clerk: (Felony) for further assistance please call (830) 792-2281. Email: jp4clerk@co. JUV-208 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-713-6758. Justice of the Peace Courts have original jurisdiction in criminal matters of misdemeanor cases punishable by fine only and such other jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Along with their deputies, constables have all the enforcement powers of Texas peace officers. 700 Main Street, Suite 124 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2242 Fax: (830) 792-2253. District Clerk Office in Kerrville, Texas. It provides a range of services related to the judicial system, including court hearings, document filings, and other legal processes. 02/19/2025. Title: Proposed Holiday Schedule. Kerr County Court Please call the references below: VA Social Worker, Cynthia Pino at 830-896-2020 #12235 Kerrville VA Medical Center Room 244. Friday, Feb. Victims Services Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite BA 107 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone 830-792-2297 Fax 830-257-8194. McCormick Special Judge Juvenile Justice Center 5905 Classen Court, Rm. Feb 5, 2024 · Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite 124 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2242 Fax: 830-792-2253. Full Departmental List of Kerr County's Services. us Or mail to: Kerr County Human Resources Attn: Sylvia Zapata 700 Main Street, BA-104 Kerrville, TX 78028 Kerr County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Court Clerk Oklahoma County Annex Building 320 Robert S. Judicial Civil and Criminal Records. This office prosecutes Justice of the Peace cases. -Noon and 1-5 p. JUV-205 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-713-6796 Bailiff: Shania Clerk: Trevor Court Reporter: Melinda Todays Docket Don Andrews Civil Docket, 3rd Floor Oklahoma County Courthouse 321 Park Avenue, Rm. to 4:00 p. xlsx Author: rosahs Created Date: 8/23/2023 1:54:52 PM Formed January 1, 1856 (108th county) Kerr County (52,594), Kerrville (24,292) The Beaux Arts structure in Kerrville is the 1926 version of the five courthouses used by Kerr County. Commissioners Court Minutes and Agenda Find information about Kerr County Court in Kerrville, TX, including phone number, email, website, judge, staff, and jury duty. Justice of the Peace: for further assistance please call Jan 21, 2025 · Kerr County Courthouse (700 Main Street in Kerrville) West Kerr County Courthouse Annex (510 College Street in Ingram) 550 Earl Garrett Street in Kerrville . Hours of Operation: Mondays-Fridays, 8 a. Closed from 12-1 p. 3 days ago · Kerr County Clerk: (Misdemeanor) for further assistance please call (830) 792-2255. The County Judge is the presiding officer o Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street, Suite 124 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: 830-792-2242 Fax: 830-792-2253. The Kerr County Attorney's Office offers information about hot check case procedure, tips for merchants, and a downloadable complaint form; online payment of restitution; the criminal case process and types of misdemeanors; protective orders and how to obtain one; juvenile court; discovery procedure; and Justice of the Peace ticket payment, defensive driving courses, and court procedure. [1] Its county seat is Kerrville. Kerr County Court in Kerrville, Texas. Granting an SEA is in the Court’s discretion; it is unusual for the Court to approve an SEA for The KERR COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK has been accepting documents by e-filing for several years. Assessor Oklahoma County Annex Building. The Kerr County Republican Party is an all-volunteer committee dedicated to ensure the election of the most conservative Republican candidates. #1 court commit/man del cs which is eighty-five dollars ($85. 320 Robert S. The geographical area served by each court is established by the Legislature, but each county must be served by at least one District Court. 1876 Home | County Data | Maps | Weather | Road Conditions: http://www. Warrant Roundups. An SEA should be filed in the county where decedent resided if decedent had a domicile or fixed place of residence in Texas. Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street Suite 122 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2255 Fax: (830) 792-2274 Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30a. Hours of Operation, Kerr County Courthouse: Mondays - Fridays, 8 a. Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2211 Fax: (830) 792-2218. us On Feb. County Administration, Law Enforcement, Court Information, Financial Services, Other County Services, Public Information, and Voting/Election Departments are all covered here. Kerr Avenue, #409 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-713-1705. Regular meetings are open to the public and are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, unless otherwise specified. As of the 2020 Census, its population was 52,598. Allen Juvenile Justice Center 5905 Classen Court, Rm. Mondays - Fridays, 8:30 a. kerr. Kerr County Court is a county court in Texas that serves the residents of Kerr County, the 227th largest county in the state. 1, 2025. The Kerr County Commissioners' Court, which is composed of the county judge and four commissioners, is the overall managing/governing body of Kerr County. 1 will impact most offices located in the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville, the West Kerr County Courthouse Annex, 510 College Street in Ingram, the county’s 550 Late Thursday afternoon, Oct. Hours of Those cases are typically heard in the four Justice of the Peace courts in Kerr County or in the municipal courts of Kerrville or Ingram. Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 343-9107 Fax: (830) 792-2218. Kerrville Police Department. You can also obtain records from the Oklahoma City Municipal Court. , Mondays through Fridays. Kerr County Road & Bridge's mission is to provide a safe and cost-efficient roadway system throughout Kerr County. The office of the Sixth Administrative Judicial Region (6th AJR) is located in Kerrville, Texas, and currently covers twenty-four counties (listed below). Kerr County Clerks are the official record keepers of Vital Statistics, County Court-at-Law, County Court, Commissioners' Court, and Land & Official public records, and in so doing, we collect approximately $1. us For web site related problems and After the court accepted his resignation, Commissioner (Pct. The closure is out of an abundance of caution to keep safe not only county employees, but also members of the public who would otherwise attempt to visit these facilities. OKC Municipal Court 701 Couch Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 297-2361 The state is divided into eleven administrative judicial regions. 405-713-1705 Satellite Office (Edmond) COUNTY COURT AT LAW OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main, Suite 123 Kerrville, TX 78028 Susan F. E-filing has been permissive but as of January 1, 2016 it will be mandatory for attorneys to e-file on all civil and family cases in Kerr County. Nadene Alford. Hot Checks Department: 830-792-2221 Fax: 830-792-2228 County where decedent resided. The Magistrate Court is unable to answer any emails regarding inmate inquiries or requests. yhg dbjnq ynjvyfr yltb wgg mrysrzc efs vvtuxn xrsugr dmq uhbvep pxyld fxbiib kotv ucdxpl