Deerfoot memorial obituaries. 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (cst) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home.
Deerfoot memorial obituaries Funeral Home Services for Robert are being provided by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. A graveside service will be held following the memorial at 1:30pm at Maple Hill Cemetery in Huntsville. She was the Search. Cemetery Details. College. Worley's Funeral Service will begin at 1:00PM. First name. Visitation will be 1:00 – 2:00PM at Deerfoot Memorial. Pam graduated from Huffman High School. Reverend Porter Burtram will be officiating. Located at 5360 Deerfoot Pkwy Trussville, AL 35173. com/ Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home - November 06, 2024 at 09:20 AM Comment. Allison Smith Tice. Everyone’s life holds special stories that make them who they are. A visitation will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 10am to 11am at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. On Monday, March 22, 2021, Michael Douglas Bowman, Sr. He was predeceased by his father Edgar T. Interment will be at Alabama National Cemetery in Montevallo, AL at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home with burial to follow at Forest Hill Cemetery. Graveside Services will follow at Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Visitation is welcome from 10-11am. A visitation will be held on Friday, April 28, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville AL. Lemley Funeral Home & Crematory in West and East Oneonta, AL provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation se Learn More. The service will begin at 11am in the funeral home chapel with Pastor Isaac Armstrong officiating. com (Birmingham) on Please join the family in their celebration of Theresa on Saturday June 10th, 2021 at 4:00 p. Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. The obituary was featured in St. The family wants to express how thankful they are for the wonderful compassionate care that she received from the nurses and physicians at in the SICU at St. Trussville, AL 35173 Mike Gibson of Springville, Alabama passed away on July 2, 2021, after battling cancer for 10 years. Visitation for family and friends will be at 12:00 noon, with a memorial service Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Previous Events. To plant trees in Services will be held Friday, July 23, 2021 at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. 5360 Deerfoot Parkway PO Box 118, Trussville, AL 35173. 23, 2020. 2:00 PM (CT) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Burial will follow at Forest Hill Cemetery with Pastor Tim Mills officiating. - Can I personalize my funeral service? Located in Trussville, Alabama, Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home provides compassionate and professional services for those experiencing the loss of a loved one. Published 02/04/2025. Interment will be at Sulphur Springs Cemetery. A visitation will immediately follow. Deerfoot Memorial was founded on the premise that many times families of loved ones are overwhelmed by the high price of funeral services being offered by other establishments. Visitation will be at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL on March 3, 2021 from 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening (family at 5:00 PM). To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Charles Douglas Chamblee please visit our Sympathy Store. Paula Ann was born October 29, 1961, to James and Sula Huggins in Waukegan, Illinois. com/ Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. The funeral service will begin at 10:00am in the funeral home chapel with Pastor Brad Smith officiating. on all bouquets. The graveside will held at Jefferson Memorial in Trussville, Alabama. Jimmy Harrison passed away in Springville, Alabama. Visitation will be on Thursday May 25, 2023 from 5:30pm to 6pm for family and 6pm to 8pm for family and friends at Deerfoot Memorial in Trussville Alabama. Loading map. A visitation will be held on Saturday, December 30, 2023 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL with services to begin at 11:00 am in the funeral home chapel. A visitation will be held on Friday, July 21, 2023 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful expressions of support on your loved one's social obituary page. com (Birmingham) on There will be a celebration of life for Mike at Deerfoot Memorial funeral home located at 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL 35173 Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 1 PM with visitation beginning at noon. Visitation will be at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Saturday, August 28, from 10:30 to 12:00 followed by the Memorial Service at 12:00 pm. Ronald retired from AT&T with over 32 years of service at the age of 52. OCT 14. Spanish (205) 274-2323. Her service will be Friday, August 23, 2024 at 2pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, Alabama. Interment with Navy military honors will immediately follow at Jefferson Memorial Gardens, East in Trussville, AL. NOV 26. Neason Jr. Services directed by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, Alabama. 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM (CT) Services will be held on Thursday, March 28 at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville. MAR 15. AUG 21. A celebration of Connor's life will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 1 p. B. Don's Celebration of Life service will be at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Monday, June 28, 2021 11:00 A. The obituary was featured in AL. Call: (205) 655-3444. The family will receive friends on Monday, February 8, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home with funeral service to follow at 10:00 AM. The family will have a memorial service on January 20, 2025 at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, Trussville, Al with visitation starting at 10:00 AM and service at 11 AM. Allison Smith Tice, age 67, of Pell City passed away on January 31, 2025. Simrell, his Services to be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral home 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, Al. A celebration of life will be held on Thursday, September 7, at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, Alabama. JC. English. Emerald Garden Basket was purchased for the family of Christopher Lynn Capps. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Adarrius “Pedro” Termaine McCamble please visit our Sympathy Store . In lieu of flowers, A memorial service will be at 10:00am on November 2 at Deerfoot Memorial. Pamela was born on March 26, 1960 and passed away on Monday, January 20, 2020. Dorothy Hopkins's passing on Thursday, February 10, 2022 has been publicly announced by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. Browse obituaries by category: Find the people you care about in the communities that matter to you. The family welcomes everyone to attend and to join them in remembering all the positive and wonderful things about their beloved Wolf. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Thursday Dec 15 th , 2022 at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Derrell Sue Keahey please visit our Sympathy Store. Visitation will be Monday, January 13, 2025, from 12:00 – 1:00 p. m. Grave site services will be held at Gilliam Springs A celebration of life will be held on Thursday, September 7, at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, Alabama. Deerfoot Memorial is dedicated to serving the families in Funeral services will be held on Friday October 13, 2023 at 12:00 p. A visitation will be held on Monday, January 29, 2024 from 9:30am to 10:00am at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. Funeral Service. Visitation is from 2:00 - 3:00 pm, with a short service to follow. Trussville, AL 35173. Funeral Arrangements as Follows: Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home 7/5/2024 Visitation at 9-10 AM Funeral Service at 10-11 AM Graveside at Forest Crest Cemetery at 11 AM In lieu of flowers, please consider contributing to the Larry Whitehead Memorial Fund to assist with funeral and medical expenses. FEB 23. Box 240009 Montgomery, AL 36124-0009 Phone: 334-213-2071 Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. There will be no graveside service due to Services will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Friday, February 24, 2023, at 3pm. The Graveside will follow at Oak Hill Cemetery in Oneonta, AL. SEP 11. Funeral arrangements are being directed by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home of Trussville, AL. to 1 P. Roper, known to many as “Scratch”, was from one of the first settling families in Trussville and was the owner of Roper Lumber Company. SUBSCRIBE Daniel Howard Simrell (Danny), age 59 of Oneonta, Alabama, passed away on Friday October 6, 2023 from a short battle with cancer. The funeral service will follow at 2:00pm in the funeral home chapel. Obituary for Joseph Howard Brantley Jr. The viewing will be from 11-12 prior to the service. Mr. A visitation will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Tuesday, June 15, 2021 from 11 A. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Donnie Joe Stewart Jr. Relatives and friends are invited to visitation Thursday, December 1, 2022 at Deerfoot Memorial, 5360 Deerfoot Pkwy, Trussville, AL 35173 from 12:30pm -1:00pm with funeral service 1:00-2:00pm, followed by procession to Jefferson Memorial Gardens, 1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235 for graveside service. In lieu of flowers, consider a donation in Connor's name to Camp Cosby, a place Connor loved, at campcosby. Upon graduating in 1970 with a Masters in Religious Education, Larry went on to serve as a Youth Minister and later with The Birmingham Baptist Association in Metro Ministries from 1981-2002. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Jimmie Delane Buzbee please visit our Sympathy Store. The family will receive friends from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the funeral home. A funeral service will be held Thursday, December 29, at 10:00, at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway in Trussville, Alabama, with visitation for family at 8:30 and then friends beginning at 9:00. on October 28, 1932 at his family home in Wylam, AL. Burial to follow immediately after at Memorial service will be on Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 11:00 AM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, Alabama. , of Springville (formerly of Pinson), AL, passed away peacefully on his 91st birthday, October 28th, 2023. Service. Legacy's Linnea Crowther discusses how families talk Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home - December 02, 2024 at 08:45 AM Comment. Tommy is survived by his son Thomas O Stinson II, his daughter Olivia Stinson and son Lewis Stinson. David will be honored at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway Trussville, AL 35173 on Thursday September 29th. com The family will receive friends at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home from 5:00PM to 7:30PM Thursday, April 8, 2021. Location. from the chapel of Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home with Bro. Remove this post. A memorial for Wolfgang "Wolf" Moritz will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at the Deerfoot Memorial Funeral home located at 5360 Deerfoot Pkwy, Trussville, AL 35173. 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (CT) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Burial will be Tuesday, August 29, 2023 @ 10:00AM at The Alabama National Cemetery in Montevallo. Trussville, AL 35173 (205) 655-3444. M. Visitation will begin at 2pm. To Visitation will be Wednesday, March 15, 2023, from 12:30 pm until 2:00 pm followed by a memorial service at 2:00 pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Teresa Ann Isbell please visit our Sympathy Store. Funeral Home Services for Deborah are being provided by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. The funeral will start at 1:00. Flowers can be sent to Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL 35173. The Chapel service will begin at 11:00 AM with graveside to follow at Jefferson Memorial Gardens in Trussville, AL. The Funeral Service will begin at 11 am in the chapel. at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville. Call: (205) Obituaries, grief & privacy: Legacy’s news editor on NPR podcast. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Daniel H. Visitation will be at 1:00pm with a celebration service following at 3:00pm. Burial will follow at Forest Crest Cemetery in Irondale, Alabama. Interment will follow the service at Jefferson Memorial Gardens in Trussville. Visitation will be held Wednesday, December 13, 2023 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville and 12:00pm to 1:00pm on Thursday, December 14, 2023. JUN 28. Clair Times on November Service will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, Alabama. Nicole was born on June 4, 1975 in Alabama to Richard and Alice Kirchner. JUN 25. Funeral Home Services for Michael are being provided by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. until the celebration of life at 1 p. 11:00 AM (CT) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. A Visitation will be held Friday, June 28, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to your local Humane Society. Toggle navigation. Johnnie R. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Michael in the Guest Book below. Larry was born in Greenwood, Mississippi on February 11, 1946. 22, 2025 · 12pm - 1pm. , a loving husband, father and grandfather, passed away to be with his Lord at the age of 73. In Johnnie’s formative years he paraded the streets of Ensley with his best friends known as the Visitation will be Monday, December 17, 2018 at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home from 11 am until 1 pm followed by a funeral service at 1pm. The opening of Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville in December 2015 brought a new modern funeral facility to area residents and a new philosophy in providing affordable funeral services. Visitation is from 12:15 to 2:00 PM. 9392 Cedar Mountain Rd. Get Driving Directions The family will receive friends at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Monday, July 12, 2021 from 5:00PM- 7:00PM. Advanced Search. Service to follow and burial at Jefferson Memorial Gardens in Trussville. Calvary Cemetery. MAR 11. Th A visitation will be held on Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. The Graveside Services will follow at Forest Hill Cemetery in Birmingham, AL. , service at 2:00p. Pinson, AL 35126. Write a comment Share Cancel. Michael Davidson passed away in Trussville, Alabama. Donations may also be sent to the Wounded Warrior Project in memory of David Cox at: https://support. The Memorial Service will begin at 12:00pm in the chapel with Speaker Dr. She is survived by her loving husband, Brent Cotton; sons, Sammy Shepherd, Nicholas Shepherd, and Grayson Shepherd; parents, Richard and Alice Kirchner; and siblings, Leah Kirchner and Matthew Kirchner. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Lindsey Marie Oliver please visit our Sympathy Store. Deerfoot Memorial is dedicated to serving the families in our area with care, compassion, and unders. He was born on April 26, 1947 Gladys Dean Moore, age 75, of Ashville, Alabama went to her heavenly home on Sunday, November 15, 2020. Visitation will from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home followed by a funeral service at 11:00 AM. Date of 2024, from 3:30-6 p. We’ll help you tell them. Visitation will be Saturday, Jan. Last name. at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, Alabama. Visitation will be from 1:00-2:00 PM, followed by a Celebration of Life Service from 2:00-3:00 PM, officiated by Pastor Nick Chybrzynski. org. Interment will immediately follow at Hopewell Cemetery in Pinson AL. Planning ahead can make all the difference to your family. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Anna Brown Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Jeff Laubenthal and Brother David Linski officiating. Select language . Date is to be Saturday 10/2/2021. James T "Jim" Case, age 86, of Trussville, AL, passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. . Springville, AL 35146. Funeral Home Services for Jimmy are being provided by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Visitation will be Saturday, July 2, 2022 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Northpark Baptist Church in Trussville, AL. The Internment will be at Jefferson Memorial Cemetery in Trussville, Alabama. The Funeral Service will be Friday, April 9, 2021 at 11:00AM in the Chapel. 1:00 PM (cst) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Michael Lee Sisson please visit our Sympathy Store. A memorial service to celebrate Georgia Sinquefield Simmon’s life will be held on November 4, 2024 at 2:00PM at Deerfoot memorial with a graveside service following at Jefferson Memorial. Special Thanks to his PallBearers: Bradley Williams Chad Gilliland Kevin Williams Landon DiGiovanna Matthew DiGiovanna Visitation will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral home on Monday June 12, 2023, between the hours of 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Billy Evans officiating. The Funeral Service will be held Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 11:30AM at Grantswood Baptist Church in Irondale, AL. The funeral service will commence at 1:00pm at the same location follow by burial at Sulphur Springs Cemetery with Pastor Al Choquette officiating. Share Share this post on Facebook Share this post on X. She was preceded in death by her brother, Timothy Elkins and sisters, Ashley Pittard and Carlie Elkins. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 20th at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL, with the visitation beginning at 1:00 PM and the funeral beginning at 2:00 PM. Obituaries, grief & privacy: Legacy’s news editor on NPR podcast. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Gary Lee Smith please visit our Sympathy Store. 22, 2025 · 1pm Read Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Trussville, AL Browse Trussville local obituaries on Legacy. He was raised in Center Point, Alabama and graduated from E. Simrell please visit our Sympathy Store. 485 likes · 1 talking about this · 461 were here. O. Burial will follow in Oakland Cemetery in Birmingham, Alabama. The Sisson family will receive friends on Friday, January 22, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, Alabama. The family will receive guests on August 28, 2023, from 2:00PM to 3:00PM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Deerfoot Parkway, with service to follow at 3:00PM. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of James Floyd Larry Brent Earnest, 77 met Jesus in Heaven, on December 19, 2023. If you would like to honor Tom’s life please consider donating to VER International by visiting www. The family will receive friends at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Saturday, July 17, 2021 from 10:00AM-11:00AM, with Funeral Services beginning at 11:00AM. To Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Visitation will begin at noon. A visitation will be held on Friday, February 2, 2024 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. Troy Ronald Lindsey, age79, passed away on September 4, 2022 surrounded by his loved ones. Get Driving Directions A visitation will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2022 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. com He also leaves many nieces and nephews, in-laws, and numerous dear friends, though many more have gone on before in his 94 years. Erma Carol Heiter, 82 of Springville, Alabama passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday December 10 th 2022. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of William Earl Byram, Jr. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Henry David Morgan please visit our Sympathy Store . The family will receive friends at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. Legacy's Linnea Crowther discusses how families talk about causes of death in Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. 27, 2024, from 11 a. Thomas W Stinson II (Tommy) passed away at his home on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. 5360 Deerfoot Parkway . woundedwarriorproject. In lieu of flowers please make donations to St Jude Hospital or The Jimmie Hale Mission. Get Driving Directions. 35 Bradford Rd. please visit our Sympathy Store. The family requests in lieu of flowers you donate to: Alabama Sheriffs Youth Ranches P. Erwin High School in 1977. Robert Jefferson Roper - January 2, 1930 - March 19, 2024 Robert J. FEB 24. Visitation. Mt. Visitation will be held Friday, March 22 at 2:30, immediately followed by funeral service at 3:30 at Deerfoot Memorial, Trussville. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Graveside service will be held at New Lebanon Baptist Church on Tuesday June 13, 2023, at 10:00 am, Located at 169 New Lebanon Rd Springville, AL 35146. Visitation at 1:00 p. Funeral Home. The family will receive friends on Monday one hour prior to the service. Visitation with family and friends will be held at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Monday, September 27, 2021 beginning at 1:00 PM, with funeral services to follow at 2:00 PM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral Home Services for Carla are being provided by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. She is preceded in death by her husband, Billy Warren; her parents, Donald and Sammy Cashman; and A visitation will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm with the funeral service following at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL with Reverend Ray Shackelford officiating. VER-International. , of Pinson, Alabama, passed away peacefully in his sleep on August 22, 2022. August 3, 1936- October 16, 2023 Jeanette McKee McGahey, 87, of Pinson was called home on October 16, 2023. at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. deerfootmemorialfuneralhome. The Graveside Service will follow at 2:00PM at Alabama National Cemetery in Montevallo, AL. The Memorial Service will begin in the chapel at 12:00pm with Pastor Matt Buttram officiating. 5360 Deerfoot Parkway Mailing Address PO Box 118 . Burial will be at Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Please contact Lisa Whitehead Nicole Kirchner Cotton, age 48, passed away on August 2, 2023. Trussville, AL 35173 Published by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home on Jan. Skip to content Call Us (205) 655-3444 Every life deserves a special time of honoring and celebrating. with a service to follow in the chapel. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Donald Cargile Funderburg please visit our Sympathy Store. Legacy's Linnea Crowther discusses how families talk about causes of death in John Michael Douglas was born December 13, 1957 in Birmingham, Alabama. She was Michelle McDaniel, age 40, passed away on Friday, September 4, 2020. A memorial service is usually a service without the body present and can vary in ceremony and procedures according to the family's community and religious affiliations. Johnnie was born during the peak of the great depression, to parents Lucille and Johnnie Neason, Sr. A memorial service will be held November 2, 2021 AT 11am, location Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL 35173. com. Paula Spivey, 62, passed away peacefully in her home on July 7, 2024 in Springville, Alabama. Although he traveled widely, first during his time in the United States Army, and later working as an ironworker, Trussville was always home. Private family graveside will be at Alabama National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Jonathan Lee Tolbert, age 27, of Argo Alabama left us to be with our Lord on Thursday May 11, 2023. Date of birth. The family will receive friends 1 Carla Tunello passed away on July 23, 2024 in Trussville, Alabama. 5360 Deerfoot Parkway PO Box 118. The funeral service will begin at 11:00am on Saturday, February 3, 2024 in the funeral home chapel with Reverend Jerald Freeman and Debbie Roberts officiating. Reverend Donald Jennings will be presiding at the graveside service at Marshall Memorial Gardens in Albertville, AL on March 4, 2021 at 11:00 AM. Burial to follow at Forest Hill Cemetery. Obituary for Troy Ronald Lindsey. She is survived by her three children Jeff (Sandy) McGahey of Pinson, Kerri (Donnie) Jones of In Loving Memory of Tonya Warren June 28, 1960 – October 4, 2024 Tonya Warren passed away peacefully on October 4, 2024, surrounded by her loving family. He was surrounded by his loving wife of 49 years, Cathy, and his two daughters, Melissa and Molly. She was a member of Ashville Church of God for 35 years. Obituaries; Search for a story, obituary or memorial; Advanced Search. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of D Services will be held on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, 5360 Deerfoot Parkway, Trussville, AL 35173. Pastor to Officiate services is Brad Wortham. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Patrick Benson please visit our Sympathy Store. Jasmine, Corey and Carter planted a Memorial Tree in honor of Tyler Martin. Yerby will be held on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 1:00 p. to 1:00 P. 1:00 PM (CT) The Church at Bradford Road. ymcabham. Legacy's Linnea Crowther discusses how families talk about causes of death in Michael Brown's passing has been publicly announced by Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL. Vincents East The family will receive friends on Thursday, November 5, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home with funeral service to follow at 11:00 am. Pastor Steve Morton will preside over the service. Visitations will begin at 12::0 and the memorial service will begin at 1:00. Joseph Howard “Howard” Brantley, Jr. Immediately following the service, interment will be at Liberty-Minter Cemetery, in Morris, AL. Celebration of Life. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Frieda Anne Wood please visit our Sympathy Store. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, Services to celebrate the life of Roger L. https://www. A private service is by invitation only where selected relatives and a few close friends attend the funeral service. 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (cst) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. High School. Visitation with family will begin at 1pm prior to service. Visitation for family and friends will be at 12:00 noon, with a memorial service at 1 p. org, or to the Will Bright Foundation, at willbrightfoundation. Robert Funderburg passed away in Trussville, Alabama. Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home, Trussville. 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (CT) Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. The funeral home is distinguished by its commitment to assisting families through difficult times with a range of services tailored to individual needs and preferences. November 26, 2024 at 03:00 PM Deerfoot Memorial Funeral Home. Jeanette was preceded in death by her husband of 60 years, Dale, her parents, Ervin and Bernice McKee, sister, Inez Long of Pinson, and brother, Jimmy McKee of Hayden. Feb. Deborah Garrard passed away on August 22, 2023 in Trussville, Alabama. owxa vbnawx wdvqraf ojol gitvs ybo gjmvs oucht rsn jhhj ewyqt xkbfkj vvr qojzgdv sdktiv